
struct for typed errors of method add_custom_field_setting_for_project
struct for typed errors of method add_followers_for_project
struct for typed errors of method add_members_for_project
struct for typed errors of method create_project
struct for typed errors of method create_project_for_team
struct for typed errors of method create_project_for_workspace
struct for typed errors of method delete_project
struct for typed errors of method duplicate_project
struct for typed errors of method get_project
struct for typed errors of method get_projects
struct for typed errors of method get_projects_for_task
struct for typed errors of method get_projects_for_team
struct for typed errors of method get_projects_for_workspace
struct for typed errors of method get_task_counts_for_project
struct for typed errors of method remove_custom_field_setting_for_project
struct for typed errors of method remove_followers_for_project
struct for typed errors of method remove_members_for_project
struct for typed errors of method update_project


Custom fields are associated with projects by way of custom field settings. This method creates a setting for the project.
Adds the specified list of users as followers to the project. Followers are a subset of members, therefore if the users are not already members of the project they will also become members as a result of this operation. Returns the updated project record.
Adds the specified list of users as members of the project. Returns the updated project record.
Create a new project in a workspace or team. Every project is required to be created in a specific workspace or organization, and this cannot be changed once set. Note that you can use the workspace parameter regardless of whether or not it is an organization. If the workspace for your project is an organization, you must also supply a team to share the project with. Returns the full record of the newly created project.
Creates a project shared with the given team. Returns the full record of the newly created project.
Returns the compact project records for all projects in the workspace. If the workspace for your project is an organization, you must also supply a team to share the project with. Returns the full record of the newly created project.
A specific, existing project can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that project. Returns an empty data record.
Creates and returns a job that will asynchronously handle the duplication.
Returns the complete project record for a single project.
Returns the compact project records for some filtered set of projects. Use one or more of the parameters provided to filter the projects returned. Note: This endpoint may timeout for large domains. Try filtering by team!
Returns a compact representation of all of the projects the task is in.
Returns the compact project records for all projects in the team.
Returns the compact project records for all projects in the workspace. Note: This endpoint may timeout for large domains. Prefer the /teams/{team_gid}/projects endpoint.
Get an object that holds task count fields. All fields are excluded by default. You must opt in using opt_fields to get any information from this endpoint. This endpoint has an additional rate limit and each field counts especially high against our cost limits. Milestones are just tasks, so they are included in the num_tasks, num_incomplete_tasks, and num_completed_tasks counts.
Removes a custom field setting from a project.
Removes the specified list of users from following the project, this will not affect project membership status. Returns the updated project record.
Removes the specified list of users from members of the project. Returns the updated project record.
A specific, existing project can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that project. Only the fields provided in the data block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the task. Returns the complete updated project record.