artifact-app 0.6.3

Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
module Update exposing (..)

import Messages exposing (AppMsg(..), formatHttpError)
import Models exposing (Model, appendError)
import Artifacts.Update

update : AppMsg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd AppMsg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    ArtifactsMsg subMsg -> 
      Artifacts.Update.update subMsg model

    RouteChange route ->
      ( { model | route = route } , Cmd.none )

    -- TODO: these should do some kind of command to clear the
    -- error later
    HttpError err ->
      ( appendError model <| formatHttpError err, Cmd.none )

    AppError err ->
      ( appendError model <| "AppError: " ++ err, Cmd.none )