arraystring 0.3.0

Fixed capacity stack based generic string
//! Misc functions to improve readability

use crate::{generic::ArraySlice, prelude::*};
use core::ptr::copy;
#[cfg(feature = "logs")]
use log::{debug, trace};

pub(crate) trait IntoLossy<T>: Sized {
    fn into_lossy(self) -> T;

/// Marks branch as impossible, UB if taken in prod, panics in debug
/// This function should never be used lightly, it will cause UB if used wrong
pub(crate) unsafe fn never(s: &str) -> ! {
    panic!("{}", s);


/// Encodes `char` into `ArrayString` at specified position, heavily unsafe
/// We reimplement the `core` function to avoid panicking (UB instead, be careful)
/// Reimplemented from:
/// ``
/// # Safety
/// - It's UB if index is outside of buffer's boundaries (buffer needs at most 4 bytes)
/// - It's UB if index is inside a character (like a index 3 for "a🤔")
pub(crate) unsafe fn encode_char_utf8_unchecked<S: Capacity>(
    s: &mut ArrayString<S>,
    ch: char,
    index: u8,
) {
    // UTF-8 ranges and tags for encoding characters
    const TAG_CONT: u8 = 0b1000_0000;
    const TAG_TWO_B: u8 = 0b1100_0000;
    const TAG_THREE_B: u8 = 0b1110_0000;
    const TAG_FOUR_B: u8 = 0b1111_0000;
    const MAX_ONE_B: u32 = 0x80;
    const MAX_TWO_B: u32 = 0x800;
    const MAX_THREE_B: u32 = 0x10000;

    trace!("Encode char: {} to {}", ch, index);

    debug_assert!(ch.len_utf8().saturating_add(index.into()) <= S::to_usize());
    debug_assert!(ch.len_utf8().saturating_add(s.len().into()) <= S::to_usize());
    let dst = s.array.as_mut_slice().get_unchecked_mut(index.into()..);
    let code = ch as u32;

    if code < MAX_ONE_B {
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(0) = code.into_lossy();
    } else if code < MAX_TWO_B {
        debug_assert!(dst.len() >= 2);
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(0) = (code >> 6 & 0x1F).into_lossy() | TAG_TWO_B;
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(1) = (code & 0x3F).into_lossy() | TAG_CONT;
    } else if code < MAX_THREE_B {
        debug_assert!(dst.len() >= 3);
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(0) = (code >> 12 & 0x0F).into_lossy() | TAG_THREE_B;
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(1) = (code >> 6 & 0x3F).into_lossy() | TAG_CONT;
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(2) = (code & 0x3F).into_lossy() | TAG_CONT;
    } else {
        debug_assert!(dst.len() >= 4);
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(0) = (code >> 18 & 0x07).into_lossy() | TAG_FOUR_B;
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(1) = (code >> 12 & 0x3F).into_lossy() | TAG_CONT;
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(2) = (code >> 6 & 0x3F).into_lossy() | TAG_CONT;
        *dst.get_unchecked_mut(3) = (code & 0x3F).into_lossy() | TAG_CONT;

/// Copies part of slice to another part (`mem::copy`, basically `memmove`)
unsafe fn shift_unchecked(s: &mut [u8], from: usize, to: usize, len: usize) {
        "Shift {:?} {}-{}",
        &s.get(from..).map(|s| s.get(..len)),
    debug_assert!(to.saturating_add(len) <= s.len() && from.saturating_add(len) <= s.len());
    let (f, t) = (s.as_ptr().add(from), s.as_mut_ptr().add(to));
    copy(f, t, len);

/// Shifts string right
/// # Safety
/// It's UB if `to + (s.len() - from)` is bigger than [`S::to_u8()`]
/// [`<S as Unsigned>::to_u8()`]: ../struct.ArrayString.html#CAPACITY
pub(crate) unsafe fn shift_right_unchecked<S, F, T>(s: &mut ArrayString<S>, from: F, to: T)
    S: Capacity,
    F: Into<usize> + Copy,
    T: Into<usize> + Copy,
    let len = (s.len() as usize).saturating_sub(from.into());
    debug_assert!(from.into() <= to.into() && to.into().saturating_add(len) <= S::to_usize());
    shift_unchecked(s.array.as_mut_slice(), from.into(), to.into(), len);

/// Shifts string left
pub(crate) unsafe fn shift_left_unchecked<S, F, T>(s: &mut ArrayString<S>, from: F, to: T)
    S: Capacity,
    F: Into<usize> + Copy,
    T: Into<usize> + Copy,
    debug_assert!(to.into() <= from.into() && from.into() <= s.len().into());

    let len = (s.len() as usize).saturating_sub(to.into());
    shift_unchecked(s.array.as_mut_slice(), from.into(), to.into(), len);

/// Returns error if size is outside of specified boundary
pub fn is_inside_boundary<S, L>(size: S, limit: L) -> Result<(), OutOfBounds>
    S: Into<usize>,
    L: Into<usize>,
    let (s, l) = (size.into(), limit.into());
    trace!("Out of bounds: ensures {} < {}", s, l);
    Some(()).filter(|_| s <= l).ok_or(OutOfBounds)

/// Returns error if index is not at a valid utf-8 char boundary
pub fn is_char_boundary<S: Capacity>(s: &ArrayString<S>, idx: u8) -> Result<(), Utf8> {
    trace!("Is char boundary: {} at {}", s.as_str(), idx);
    if s.as_str().is_char_boundary(idx.into()) {
        return Ok(());

/// Truncates string to specified size (ignoring last bytes if they form a partial `char`)
pub(crate) fn truncate_str(slice: &str, size: u8) -> &str {
    trace!("Truncate str: {} at {}", slice, size);
    if slice.is_char_boundary(size.into()) {
        unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(..size.into()) }
    } else if (size as usize) < slice.len() {
        let mut index = size.saturating_sub(1) as usize;
        while !slice.is_char_boundary(index) {
            index = index.saturating_sub(1);
        unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(..index) }
    } else {

impl IntoLossy<u8> for usize {
    fn into_lossy(self) -> u8 {
        self as u8

impl IntoLossy<u8> for u32 {
    fn into_lossy(self) -> u8 {
        self as u8

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use core::str::from_utf8;

    fn truncate() {
        assert_eq!(truncate_str("i", 10), "i");
        assert_eq!(truncate_str("iiiiii", 3), "iii");
        assert_eq!(truncate_str("🤔🤔🤔", 5), "🤔");

    fn shift_right() {
        let _ = env_logger::try_init();
        let mut ls = SmallString::try_from_str("abcdefg").unwrap();
        unsafe { shift_right_unchecked(&mut ls, 0u8, 4u8) };
        ls.size += 4;
        assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "abcdabcdefg");

    fn shift_left() {
        let _ = env_logger::try_init();
        let mut ls = SmallString::try_from_str("abcdefg").unwrap();
        unsafe { shift_left_unchecked(&mut ls, 1u8, 0u8) };
        ls.size -= 1;
        assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "bcdefg");

    fn shift_nop() {
        let _ = env_logger::try_init();
        let mut ls = SmallString::try_from_str("abcdefg").unwrap();
        unsafe { shift_right_unchecked(&mut ls, 0u8, 0u8) };
        assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "abcdefg");
        unsafe { shift_left_unchecked(&mut ls, 0u8, 0u8) };
        assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "abcdefg");

    fn encode_char_utf8() {
        let _ = env_logger::try_init();
        let mut string = SmallString::default();
        unsafe {
            encode_char_utf8_unchecked(&mut string, 'a', 0);
            assert_eq!(from_utf8(&string.array.as_mut_slice()[..1]).unwrap(), "a");
            let mut string = SmallString::try_from_str("a").unwrap();

            encode_char_utf8_unchecked(&mut string, '🤔', 1);