array_tool 0.2.5

Helper methods for processing Array like collections


Crate Build Status

Array helpers for Rust. Some of the most common methods you would use on Arrays made available on Vectors. Polymorphic implementations for handling most of your use cases.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file

array_tool = "0.2.5"

And in your rust files where you plan to use it put this at the top

extern crate array_tool;

And if you plan to use all of the Vector helper methods available you may do

use array_tool::vec::*;


pub fn uniques<T: PartialEq + Clone>(a: Vec<T>, b: Vec<T>) -> Vec<Vec<T>>
  //  array_tool::uniques(vec![1,2,3,4,5], vec![2,5,6,7,8]), // input
  //  vec![vec![1,3,4], vec![6,7,8]]                         // return value  

use array_tool::vec::Uniq;
fn uniq(&self, other: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T>
  //  vec![1,2,3,4,5,6].uniq( vec![1,2,5,7,9] ), // input
  //  vec![3,4,6]                                // return value
fn unique(&self) -> Vec<T>
  //  vec![1,2,1,3,2,3,4,5,6].unique(),          // input
  //  vec![1,2,3,4,5,6]                          // return value
fn is_unique(&self) -> bool
  //  vec![1,2,1,3,4,3,4,5,6].is_unique(),       // input
  //  false                                      // return value
  //  vec![1,2,3,4,5,6].is_unique(),             // input
  //  true                                       // return value

use arra_tool::vec::Shift;
fn unshift(&mut self, other: T)     // no return value, modifies &mut self directly
  //  let mut x = vec![1,2,3];
  //  x.unshift(0);
  //  assert_eq!(x, vec![0,1,2,3]);
fn shift(&mut self) -> T
  //  let mut x = vec![0,1,2,3];
  //  assert_eq!(x.shift(), 0);
  //  assert_eq!(x, vec![1,2,3]);

use array_tool::vec::Intersect;
fn intersect(&self, other: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T>
  //  vec![1,1,3,5].intersect(vec![1,2,3]) // input
  //  vec![1,3])                           // return value

use array_tool::vec::Join;
fn join(&self, joiner: &'static str) -> String
  //  vec![1,2,3].join(",")                // input
  //  "1,2,3"                              // return value

use array_tool::vec::Times;
fn times(&self, qty: i32) -> Vec<T>
  //  vec![1,2,3].times(3)                // input
  //  vec![1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]             // return value

use array_tool::vec::Union;
fn union(&self, other: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T>
  //  vec!["a","b","c"].union(vec!["c","d","a"])   // input
  //  vec![ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]                   // return value

##Future plans

I plan to implement many of the methods available for Arrays in higher languages; such as Ruby. Ideally all methods will be optimized for efficiency (most are). Expect regular updates.


Feel free to add your own methods here! And be sure to include an integration test!