array2d 0.2.1

A fixed sized two-dimensional array
# array2d

Array2D provides a fixed sized two-dimensional array. It is more efficient
and is easier to use than nested vectors, i.e. `Vec<Vec<T>>`.

This is beneficial when using a grid-like structure, which is common in
image processing, game boards, and other situations. Array2D cannot be used
when rows or columns might have different lengths⁠—all rows and columns must
be the same length.

## How to use [`Array2D`]

### Creating an [`Array2D`]

An [`Array2D`] can be created in many different ways. These include:
  - Providing the rows or the columns, which must all be the same size (see
    [`from_rows`] and [`from_columns`]).
  - Providing a "flat" slice of elements in either [row major or column
    major order] along with the dimensions, which must match the number of
    elements in the slice (see [`from_row_major`] and
  - Providing a value to repeatedly put in every location (see
  - Providing a generator function that is repeatedly called to produce
    values to fill the array (see [`filled_by_row_major`] and
  - Providing an iterator that is used to produce values to fill the array
    (see [`from_iter_row_major`] and [`from_iter_column_major`]).

### Accessing data from an [`Array2D`]

[`Array2D`] supports two forms of indexing, much like a [`Vec`]:
  - Using the indexing syntax (square brackets) with a tuple of `(usize,
    usize)`, which panics on out-of-bounds accesses.
  - Using the [`get`], [`get_mut`], and [`set`] methods, which return an
    [`Option`] or a [`Result`] on out-of-bounds accesses.

[`Array2D`] also supports several forms of iteration. You can iterate
  - All of the elements, in either [row major or column major order] see
    [`elements_row_major_iter`] and [`elements_column_major_iter`].
  - Individual rows or columns (see [`row_iter`] and [`column_iter`]).
  - All rows or all columns (see [`rows_iter`] and [`columns_iter`]).

### Extracting all data from an [`Array2D`]

An [`Array2D`] can be converted back into a [`Vec`] through several
methods. You can extract the data as:
  - A [`Vec`] of rows or columns (see [`as_rows`] and [`as_columns`]).
  - A "flat" [`Vec`] of elements in either [row major or column major order]
    (see [`as_row_major`] and [`as_column_major`]).

## Examples

use array2d::Array2D;

pub fn main() {
    // Create an array filled with the same element.
    let prefilled = Array2D::filled_with(42, 2, 3);
    assert_eq!(prefilled.num_rows(), 2);
    assert_eq!(prefilled.num_columns(), 3);
    assert_eq!(prefilled[(0, 0)], 42);

    // Create an array from the given rows. You can also use columns
    // with the `columns` function
    let rows = vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![4, 5, 6]];
    let from_rows = Array2D::from_rows(&rows);
    assert_eq!(from_rows.num_rows(), 2);
    assert_eq!(from_rows.num_columns(), 3);
    assert_eq!(from_rows[(1, 1)], 5);

    // Create an array from a flat Vec of elements in row major or
    // column major order.
    let column_major = vec![1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6];
    let from_column_major =
        Array2D::from_column_major(&column_major, 2, 3);
    assert_eq!(from_column_major.num_rows(), 2);
    assert_eq!(from_column_major.num_columns(), 3);
    assert_eq!(from_column_major[(1, 1)], 5);

    // Implements `Eq` if the element type does.
    assert_eq!(from_rows, from_column_major);

    // Index into an array using a tuple of usize to access or alter
    // the array.
    let rows = vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![4, 5, 6]];
    let mut array = Array2D::from_rows(&rows);
    array[(1, 1)] = 100;

    // Convert the array back into a nested Vec using `as_rows` or
    // `as_columns`.
    let array_rows = array.as_rows();
    assert_eq!(array_rows, vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![4, 100, 6]]);

    // Convert the array back into a flat Vec using `as_row_major` or
    // `as_column_major`.
    let array_column_major = array.as_column_major();
    assert_eq!(array_column_major, vec![1, 4, 2, 100, 3, 6]);

    // Iterate over a single row or column
    println!("First column:");
    for element in array.column_iter(0) {
        println!("{}", element);

    // Iterate over all rows or columns.
    println!("All elements:");
    for row_iter in array.rows_iter() {
        for element in row_iter {
            print!("{} ", element);

[`Array2D`]: struct.Array2D.html
[`from_rows`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.from_rows
[`from_columns`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.from_columns
[`from_row_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.from_row_major
[`from_column_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.from_column_major
[`filled_with`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.filled_with
[`filled_by_row_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.filled_by_row_major
[`filled_by_column_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.filled_by_column_major
[`from_iter_row_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.from_iter_row_major
[`from_iter_column_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.from_iter_column_major
[`get`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.get
[`get_mut`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.get_mut
[`set`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.set
[`elements_row_major_iter`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.elements_row_major_iter
[`elements_column_major_iter`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.elements_column_major_iter
[`row_iter`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.row_iter
[`column_iter`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.column_iter
[`rows_iter`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.rows_iter
[`columns_iter`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.columns_iter
[`as_rows`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.as_rows
[`as_columns`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.as_columns
[`as_row_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.as_row_major
[`as_column_major`]: struct.Array2D.html#method.as_column_major
[row major or column major order]:

License: MIT