arkbot 0.2.0

A Rust rewrite (and complete redesign) of Arkanosis' Wikipedia bot

arkbot-rs License Build status

arkbot-rs is Rust rewrite (and complete redesign) of Arkanosis' Wikipedia bot.

The original Arkbot is made of a mix of Python, sed, awk and wget, glued together with some zsh, which has done the job for more than ten years now, but has never been really efficient.

arkbot-rs is designed from the start to address Arkbot's shortcomings, including:

  • performance,
  • need for manual intervention.

The goal is to have Arkbot running on a small server or VM (eg. on Toolforge) and performing its tasks on its own without any human intervention.


Usage: arkbot
       arkbot -h | --help
       arkbot --version

    -h, --help               Show this screen.
    --version                Show version.


Run cargo build --release in your working copy.

Enabling as a systemd service, run hourly

systemctl --user link systemd/arkbot.service systemd/arkbot.timer
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now arkbot.timer

Contributing and reporting bugs

Contributions are welcome through GitHub pull requests.

Please report bugs and feature requests on GitHub issues.


arkbot-rs is copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jérémie Roquet and licensed under the ISC license.