arducam-mega 0.4.0

SPI driver for the Arducam Mega
authors = ["Sebastian Lauwers <>"]
name = "arducam-mega"
version = "0.4.0"
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
repository = ""
keywords = ["arducam", "mega", "arducam-mega", "embedded", "spi"]
categories = ["embedded", "hardware-support", "no-std::no-alloc", "multimedia::images"]
readme = ""
description = "SPI driver for the Arducam Mega"

maintenance = { status = "experimental" }

# This dependency will be relaxed once embedded-hal is released as 1.0.0. Until
# then, we target a specific alpha as the previous stable release breaks too
# much.
embedded-hal = { version = "1.0.0-alpha.9" }

default = ["3mp", "5mp"]
3mp = []
5mp = []

embedded-hal-mock = { git = "", rev = "3d5ecf6" }

# configuration
# document all features
all-features = true
# defines the configuration attribute `docsrs`
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]