apint 0.0.0-alpha.3

Arbitrary precision integers library.

ApInt - Arbitrary Precision Integer

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Development in progress: The implementation has not been finished, is unstable and may not work.

An Arbitrary precision Integer (ApInt) represents an integer that has an arbitrary but fixed runtime bit-width and offers two's complement modulo arithmetic equal to machine integers.

The API is based on the popular LLVM APInt support library that is heavily used within the compiler and compiler based tools.

Example Use Cases

  • Simulate machine arithmetic on compilation, e.g. for constant evaluation and some optimizations.
  • SMT solvers may use this as an underlying model for the theory of bitvectors.


The design focus is at efficiency and robustness. ApInt instances are small-value-optimized. This means that only ApInt instances with a bit-width larger than 64 bits allocate dynamic memory.

An ApInt constists of a sequence of 64-bit Digits. Computations are done within their 128-bit DoubleDigit form to prevent bit-loss on over- or underflows. This implies a dependency on 128-bit integers which are currently unstable in Rust.

Differences & Parallels

The below table lists public and internal differences between ApInt and num::BigInt.

Topic num::BigInt ApInt
Abstraction High-level unbounded integers. Twos-complement machine integers.
Small Int Optimization No Yes: Up to 64-bits.
Building Blocks 32-bit BigDigit aka u32 64-bit Digit
Compute Unit 64-bit DoubleBigDigit aka u64 128-bit DoubleDigit
Signed Yes, num::BigUint is for unsigned. No, operations know signedness instead.
mem::size_of<..> About 24 bytes + some signedness info. Exactly 128 bits (16 bytes).
Width interoperability No restriction to operate between BigInt instances with different bit-widths. Only ApInt instances with the same bit-width can interoperate.
Memory footprint Determined by current value stored. Determined by bit-width.
Can grow and shrink? Yes No, see above.
Unstable features? None 128-bit integers

Current State

Currently only a few parts of the implementation are done - especially the implementation of ApInt's with bit-widths greater than 64 bits is incomplete.

Planned Features

  • Full ApInt implementation.
  • ApsInt API built on top of ApInt to add signedness information as it is done in LLVM.
  • Extensive test suite to provide a decent quality implementation guarantee.
  • Hopefully soon on stable - as soon as 128-bit integers are stabilized.


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