apint 0.0.0-alpha.2

This library provides efficient integers with arbitrary precision for modulo arithmetic.

APInt - Arbitrary Precision Integers for Rust

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Development in progress: The implementation has not been finished, is unstable and may not work.

Arbitrary Precision Integers (APInt) represent integers that have an arbitrary but fixed runtime bit-width and offer twos-complement modulo arithmetic similar to machine integers.

The API is based on the popular LLVM APInt support library that is heavily used within the compiler and compiler-based tools.

Example Use Cases

  • Simulate machine numbers during the compilation process of compilers.
  • SMT solver to model theory of bitvectors.


The design focus is efficiency and robustness. APInt instances are space-optimized for bit-width smaller than or equal to 64 bits. Only APInt instances with a larger bit-width require dynamic memory allocation.

An APInt constists of a sequence of 64-bit Digits. Computations are done within their 128-bit DoubleDigit form to prevent bit-loss on over- or underflows. This creates a dependency on 128-bit integers which are currently unstable in Rust.

Differences & Parallels

The below table lists public and internal differences between APInt and num::BigInt.

Topic num::BigInt APInt
Abstraction High-level unbounded integers. Twos-complement machine integers.
Small Int Optimization No Yes: Up to 64-bits.
Building Blocks 32-bit BigDigit aka u32 64-bit Digit
Compute Unit 64-bit DoubleBigDigit aka u64 128-bit DoubleDigit
Signed Yes, num::BigUint is for unsigned. No, operations know signdness instead.
mem::size_of<..> Equal to Vec<..> (about 24 bytes) Exactly 128 bits (16 bytes).
Width interoperability No restriction to operate between BigInt instances with different bit-widths. Only APInt instances with the same bit-width can interoperate.
Memory footprint Determined by current value stored. Determined by bit-width.
Can grow and shrink? Yes No, see above.
Unstable features? None 128-bit integers

Current State

Currently only parts of the implementation is done - especially the implementation of APInt's with bit-widths greater than 64 bits are incompleted.

Planned Features

  • Full APInt implementation.
  • APSInt API built on top of APInt to add signedness information as it is done in LLVM.
  • Extensive test suite to provide a decent quality implementation guarantee.
  • Hopefully soon on stable - as soon as 128-bit integers are stabilized.


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