apca 0.26.1

A crate for interacting with the Alpaca API.
// Copyright (C) 2019-2023 The apca Developers
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::fmt::Result as FmtResult;
use std::future::Future;
use std::str::from_utf8;

use http::request::Builder as HttpRequestBuilder;
use http::HeaderMap;
use http::HeaderValue;
use http::Request;
use http::Response;
use http_endpoint::Endpoint;

use hyper::body::to_bytes;
use hyper::body::Bytes;
use hyper::client::Builder as HttpClientBuilder;
use hyper::client::HttpConnector;
use hyper::Body;
use hyper::Client as HttpClient;
use hyper::Error as HyperError;
use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;

use tracing::debug;
use tracing::field::debug;
use tracing::field::DebugValue;
use tracing::instrument;
use tracing::span;
use tracing::trace;
use tracing::Level;
use tracing_futures::Instrument;

use url::Url;

use crate::api::HDR_KEY_ID;
use crate::api::HDR_SECRET;
use crate::api_info::ApiInfo;
use crate::error::RequestError;
use crate::subscribable::Subscribable;
use crate::Error;

/// A type providing a debug representation of HTTP headers, with
/// sensitive data being masked out.
struct DebugHeaders<'h> {
  headers: &'h HeaderMap<HeaderValue>,

impl<'h> Debug for DebugHeaders<'h> {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {
    static MASKED: HeaderValue = HeaderValue::from_static("<masked>");

      .entries(self.headers.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
        if k == HDR_KEY_ID || k == HDR_SECRET {
          (k, &MASKED)
        } else {
          (k, v)

/// A type providing a debug representation of an HTTP request, with
/// sensitive data being masked out.
struct DebugRequest<'r> {
  request: &'r Request<Body>,

impl<'r> Debug for DebugRequest<'r> {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {
    // Note that we do not print URL and version, because we assume they
    // are already included as identifiers in the span of the usage
    // site.
      .field("version", &self.request.version())
        &DebugHeaders {
          headers: self.request.headers(),
      .field("body", self.request.body())

/// Emit a debug representation of an HTTP request.
fn debug_request(request: &Request<Body>) -> DebugValue<DebugRequest<'_>> {
  debug(DebugRequest { request })

/// A builder for creating customized `Client` objects.
pub struct Builder {
  builder: HttpClientBuilder,

impl Builder {
  /// Adjust the maximum number of idle connections per host.
  pub fn max_idle_per_host(&mut self, max_idle: usize) -> &mut Self {
    let _ = self.builder.pool_max_idle_per_host(max_idle);

  /// Build the final `Client` object.
  pub fn build(&self, api_info: ApiInfo) -> Client {
    let https = HttpsConnector::new();
    let client = self.builder.build(https);

    Client { api_info, client }

impl Default for Builder {
  fn default() -> Self {
    // So here is the deal. In tests we use the block_on_all function to
    // wait for futures. This function waits until *all* spawned futures
    // completed. Now, by virtue of keeping idle connections around --
    // which effectively map to spawned tasks -- we will block until
    // those connections die. We can't have that happen for tests, so we
    // disable idle connections for them.
    // While at it, also use the minimum number of threads for the
    // `HttpsConnector`.
    let mut builder = HttpClient::builder();
    let _ = builder.pool_max_idle_per_host(0);

    Self { builder }

  fn default() -> Self {
    Self {
      builder: HttpClient::builder(),

/// A `Client` is the entity used by clients of this module for
/// interacting with the Alpaca API.
pub struct Client {
  api_info: ApiInfo,
  client: HttpClient<HttpsConnector<HttpConnector>, Body>,

impl Client {
  /// Instantiate a new `Builder` which allows for creating a customized `Client`.
  pub fn builder() -> Builder {

  /// Create a new `Client` using the given key ID and secret for
  /// connecting to the API.
  pub fn new(api_info: ApiInfo) -> Self {

  /// Add "gzip" as an accepted encoding to the request.
  #[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
  fn maybe_add_gzip_header(request: &mut Request<Body>) {
    use http::header::ACCEPT_ENCODING;

    let _ = request
      .insert(ACCEPT_ENCODING, HeaderValue::from_static("gzip"));

  /// An implementation stub not actually doing anything.
  #[cfg(not(feature = "gzip"))]
  fn maybe_add_gzip_header(_request: &mut Request<Body>) {}

  /// Create a `Request` to the endpoint.
  fn request<R>(&self, input: &R::Input) -> Result<Request<Body>, R::Error>
    R: Endpoint,
    let mut url = R::base_url()
      .map(|url| Url::parse(url.as_ref()).expect("endpoint definition contains invalid URL"))
      .unwrap_or_else(|| self.api_info.api_base_url.clone());


    let mut request = HttpRequestBuilder::new()
      // Add required authentication information.
      .header(HDR_KEY_ID, self.api_info.key_id.as_str())
      .header(HDR_SECRET, self.api_info.secret.as_str())
        R::body(input)?.unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed(&[0; 0])),

    Self::maybe_add_gzip_header(&mut request);

  async fn retrieve_raw_body(response: Body) -> Result<Bytes, HyperError> {
    // We unconditionally wait for the full body to be received
    // before even evaluating the header. That is mostly done for
    // simplicity and it shouldn't really matter anyway because most
    // if not all requests evaluate the body on success and on error
    // the server shouldn't send back much.
    // TODO: However, there may be one case that has the potential
    //       to cause trouble: when we receive, for example, the
    //       list of all orders it now needs to be stored in memory
    //       in its entirety. That may blow things.

  /// Retrieve the HTTP body, possible uncompressing it if it was gzip
  /// encoded.
  #[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
  async fn retrieve_body<E>(response: Response<Body>) -> Result<Bytes, RequestError<E>> {
    use async_compression::futures::bufread::GzipDecoder;
    use futures::AsyncReadExt as _;
    use http::header::CONTENT_ENCODING;

    let (parts, body) = response.into_parts();
    let encoding = parts.headers.get(CONTENT_ENCODING);

    let bytes = Self::retrieve_raw_body(body).await?;
    let bytes = match encoding {
      Some(value) if value == HeaderValue::from_static("gzip") => {
        let mut buffer = Vec::new();
        let _count = GzipDecoder::new(&*bytes).read_to_end(&mut buffer).await?;
      _ => bytes,


  /// Retrieve the HTTP body.
  #[cfg(not(feature = "gzip"))]
  async fn retrieve_body<E>(response: Response<Body>) -> Result<Bytes, RequestError<E>> {
    let bytes = Self::retrieve_raw_body(response.into_body()).await?;

  /// Create and issue a request and decode the response.
  pub fn issue<R>(
    input: &R::Input,
  ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<R::Output, RequestError<R::Error>>> + '_
    R: Endpoint,
    let result = self.request::<R>(input);
    async move {
      let request = result.map_err(RequestError::Endpoint)?;
      let span = span!(
        method = display(request.method()),
        uri = display(request.uri())

  /// Issue a request.
  async fn issue_<R>(&self, request: Request<Body>) -> Result<R::Output, RequestError<R::Error>>
    R: Endpoint,
    trace!(request = debug_request(&request));

    let result = self.client.request(request).await?;
    let status = result.status();
    debug!(status = debug(&status));
    trace!(response = debug(&result));

    let bytes = Self::retrieve_body::<R::Error>(result).await?;
    let body = bytes.as_ref();
    match from_utf8(body) {
      Ok(s) => trace!(body = display(&s)),
      Err(b) => trace!(body = display(&b)),

    R::evaluate(status, body).map_err(RequestError::Endpoint)

  /// Subscribe to the given subscribable in order to receive updates.
  /// # Notes
  /// - this method is only a short-hand for
  ///   [`S::connect`][Subscribable::connect] that supplies the client's
  ///   [`ApiInfo`] object to the call; if your [`Subscribable`]
  ///   requires a different input then invoke its `connect` method
  ///   yourself
  #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
  pub async fn subscribe<S>(&self) -> Result<(S::Stream, S::Subscription), Error>
    S: Subscribable<Input = ApiInfo>,

  /// Retrieve the `ApiInfo` object used by this `Client` instance.
  pub fn api_info(&self) -> &ApiInfo {

mod tests {
  use super::*;

  use http::StatusCode;

  use test_log::test;

  use crate::endpoint::ApiError;
  use crate::Str;

  Endpoint! {
    Ok => (), [],
    Err => GetNotFoundError, []

    fn path(_input: &Self::Input) -> Str {

  async fn unexpected_status_code_return() {
    let api_info = ApiInfo::from_env().unwrap();
    let client = Client::builder().max_idle_per_host(0).build(api_info);
    let result = client.issue::<GetNotFound>(&()).await;
    let err = result.unwrap_err();

    match err {
      RequestError::Endpoint(GetNotFoundError::UnexpectedStatus(status, message)) => {
        let expected = ApiError {
          code: 40410000,
          message: "endpoint not found".to_string(),
        assert_eq!(message, Ok(expected));
        assert_eq!(status, StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
      _ => panic!("Received unexpected error: {err:?}"),