aparato 5.1.0

A pci.ids-compliant library for getting information about available PCI devices.
<div align="center">

A <a href="https://pci-ids.ucw.cz/">pci.ids</a>-compliant library for getting information about available PCI devices.

<a href="https://crates.io/crates/aparato">
    <img src="https://img.shields.io/crates/v/aparato" alt="version" />

<a href="https://docs.rs/crate/aparato/">
    <img src="https://docs.rs/aparato/badge.svg" alt="docs" />


### Disclaimer

- It isn't recommended to utilize the `main` branch, as the 
project is still brand new and changes to the API are
very likely to happen. Instead, you should use the crate provided in

- aparato right now only works on Linux, more platforms will receive
support in the future.

### Usage

Add the following to your project's *Cargo.toml* file:

aparato = "4.0.0" # Be sure to use the latest version

### Examples

use aparato::{Device, PCIDevice};

fn main() {

    // Know the domain of the PCI device?
    // Instantiate a new PCIDevice so we can get to know it a bit.
    let device = PCIDevice::new("00:02.0");

    println!("Class Name: {}", device.class_name());       // e.g. Display Controller
    println!("Subclass Name: {}", device.subclass_name()); // e.g. VGA compatible controller
    println!("Vendor Name: {}", device.vendor_name());     // e.g. Intel Corporation
    println!("Device Name: {}", device.device_name());     // e.g. WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620]


### Contributing

Any form of contribution is welcome, whether it be unit tests, refactoring, or bug-fixing. It's recommended you report issues before beginning to work on them.