aochelpers 0.6.1

A set of structs and associated methods that cover common use=cases when solving Advent Of Code problems.

Advent Of Code Helpers

Various structs and associated methods which may come in useful when solving Advent of Code challenges:

  • Direction - Compass Direction
  • Coordinate - Standard 2D Cartesian Coordinate
  • Particle - Location with compass direction
  • Rectangle - Pair of Coordinates describing a rectangle
  • Coordinate3d - Standard 3D Cartesian Coordinate
  • Cuboid - Pair of 3D Coordinates describing a cuboid
  • ScoredItem - Used with std::collections::BinaryHeap to implement A* or Djikstra's algorithms
  • get_daily_input() - fetches and caches the input for a given day's puzzle
  • parse_number_grid<T>() - converts a grid of 0-9 digits to a HashMap<Coordinate, T>