angular-units 0.2.4

A library for representing, manipulating and converting between angular quantities in various units through a type-safe interace.

angular-units 0.2.4

Build Status angular-units on angular-units on

Feature-rich library for representing and manipulating angular quantities. Provides strongly-typed structs for six units as well as helper traits for abstracting over the concrete types and doing common operations.

Provided Units:

  • Degrees - Deg<T>
  • Radians - Rad<T>
  • Gradians - Gon<T>
  • Turns - Turns<T> (1 turn is a full rotation)
  • Arc minutes - ArcMinutes<T>
  • Arc seconds - ArcSeconds<T>


angular-units = "0.2.4"


  • Converting from Degrees to Radians:
  let angle = Deg(45.0);
  let radians: Rad<_> = angle.into_angle();
  • Composing angles from multiple units:
  let degrees: Deg<f32> = Deg(50.0_f32) + ArcMinutes(25.0_f32) + Rad(std::f32::consts::PI / 6.0_f32);
  • Interpolating between two angles:
 assert_eq!(Deg(240.0).interpolate(&Deg(180.0), 0.5), Deg(210.0))

Optional Features:

Angular-units provides optional serde and approx support for all types by enabling their respective features.