android-tools 0.2.11

Android-related tools for building and developing applications 🛠
# Rust Android Tools

[![Rust](]( ![APACHE2 license]( [![Crate Info](]( [![Docs](](

Android-related tools for building and developing applications:

| Name | Description | Status |
| -----: | ----------- | ------------- |
| [aapt2] | Android Asset Packaging Tool | ✅ |
| [bundletool] | Tool to build an Android App Bundles | ✅ |
| [java_tools] | Allows to create keystore and sign JAR files | ✅ |
| [emulator] | Allows to run and manage emulator | 🆗 |
| [adb] | Versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device | 🆗 |

✅ = Works and tested — 🆗 = Works but may contain bugs — 🛠 = Under development

## License

Licensed under [Apache-2.0 License](LICENSE).