an-rope 0.3.1

an rope for large text documents.
//! # An rope.
//! An immutable Rope data structure for storing large text documents. This
//! implementation is a component of the [`an-editor`]
//! project.
//! A rope is an efficient data structure for large strings. It's
//! essentially a binary tree whose leaves are strings.
//! For more information, see the following resources:
//! +
//! +
//! +
//! [`an-editor`]:

#![cfg_attr( feature = "unstable"
           , feature( const_fn
                    , box_syntax, box_patterns
                    , conservative_impl_trait
                    , collections, collections_range
                    , inclusive_range_syntax
#![cfg_attr( all( test, feature = "unstable")
           , feature( test, insert_str) )]
#![cfg_attr( feature = "clippy", feature(plugin) )]
#![cfg_attr( feature = "clippy", plugin(clippy) )]
#![cfg_attr( feature = "clippy", allow(unused_variables, dead_code))]

#[macro_use] extern crate macro_attr;
#[macro_use] extern crate newtype_derive;

#[cfg(feature = "unstable")] extern crate collections;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")] use collections::range::RangeArgument;

extern crate unicode_segmentation;

use std::cmp;
use std::ops;
use std::convert;
use std::fmt;
use std::string;
use std::iter;

macro_rules! or_zero {
    ($a: expr, $b: expr) => { if $a > $b { $a - $b } else { 0 } }

#[cfg(feature = "tendril")] extern crate tendril;

#[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] extern crate quickcheck;
#[cfg(test)] mod test;
#[cfg(all( test, feature = "unstable"))] mod bench;

mod unicode;
pub mod metric;

use metric::{Measured, Metric};
use self::internals::{Node, NodeLink};

pub use self::slice::{ RopeSlice
                    //, RopeSliceMut

impl<T> convert::From<T> for Rope
where T: convert::Into<NodeLink> {
    #[inline] fn from(that: T) -> Self {
        Rope { root: that.into().rebalance() }

/// A Rope
/// This Rope implementation aims to eventually function as a superset of
/// [`String`](,
/// providing the same API plus additional methods. Therefore, code which uses
/// `String` can easily be ported to use `Rope`.
/// `Rope` provides two APIs for editing a `Rope`: a destructive,
/// append-in-place API whose methods match those of `String`, and a
/// non-destructive, persistant API. The persistant API's methods have names
/// prefixed with ``, such as `push()` and `append()`.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct Rope {
    // can we get away with having these be of &str or will they need
    // to be string?
    root: NodeLink

pub trait Split: Sized {
    fn split<M>(&self, index: M) -> (Self,Self)
    where M: Metric
        , Self: Measured<M>;

impl<M> Measured<M> for Rope
where M: Metric
    , NodeLink: Measured<M>
    , String: Measured<M>

    #[inline] fn to_byte_index(&self, index: M) -> Option<usize> {

    #[inline] fn measure(&self) -> M { self.root.measure() }

    #[inline] fn measure_weight(&self) -> M { self.root.measure_weight() }


impl fmt::Debug for Rope {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Rope[\"{}\"] {:?}", self.root, self.root)

impl fmt::Display for Rope {

    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.root)
 #[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
macro_rules! unstable_iters {
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])*
     pub fn $name:ident$(<$lf:tt>)*(&'a $sel:ident) -> $ty:ty {
     })+ ) => { $(
         #[cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", allow(needless_lifetimes))]
         pub fn $name$(<$lf>)*(&'a $sel) -> $ty {
    )+ };
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])*
    pub fn $name:ident$(<$lf:tt>)*(&'a mut $sel:ident) -> $ty:ty {
     })+ ) => { $(
         #[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
         #[cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", allow(needless_lifetimes))]
         pub fn $name$(<$lf>)*(&'a mut $sel) -> $ty {
    )+ };

#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
macro_rules! unstable_iters {
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])*
    pub fn $name:ident$(<$lf:tt>)*(&'a $sel:ident) -> impl Iterator<Item=$ty:ty> + 'a {
     })+ ) => ($(
         #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
         #[cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", allow(needless_lifetimes))]
         pub fn $name$(<$lf>)*(&'a $sel) -> Box<Iterator<Item=$ty> + 'a> {
    ( $( $(#[$attr:meta])*
    pub fn $name:ident$(<$lf:tt>)*(&'a mut $sel:ident) - impl Iterator<Item=$ty:ty> + 'a {
     })+ ) => { $({
         #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
         #[cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", allow(needless_lifetimes))]
         pub fn $name$(<$lf>)*(&'a mut $sel) -> Box<Iterator<Item=$ty> + 'a> {
macro_rules! str_iters {
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])* impl $name: ident<$ty: ty> for Node {})+ ) => { $(
        unstable_iters! {
            pub fn $name<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=$ty> + 'a{
    )+ };

    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])* impl $name: ident<$ty: ty> for Rope {})+ )=> { $(
        unstable_iters! {
            pub fn $name<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=$ty>  + 'a{
    )+ }


macro_rules! unicode_seg_iters {
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])* impl $name: ident for Node { extend })+ ) => { $(

        unstable_iters! {
            pub fn $name<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&'a str> + 'a {
                { // this block is required so that the macro will bind the
                  // `use` statement
                    use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
                        .flat_map(|s| UnicodeSegmentation::$name(s, true))
    )+ };
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])* impl $name: ident for Node {} )+ ) => { $(
            pub fn $name<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&'a str> + 'a {
                { // this block is required so that the macro will bind the
                  // `use` statement
                    use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
    )+ };
    ( $($(#[$attr:meta])* impl $name: ident<$ty: ty> for Rope {})+ )=> { $(
        unstable_iters! {
            pub fn $name<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=$ty> + 'a {
    )+ }


mod internals;
mod slice;

impl Rope {

    /// Converts a vector of bytes to a `Rope`.
    /// If you are sure that the byte slice is valid UTF-8, and you don't want
    /// to incur the overhead of the validity check, there is an unsafe version
    /// of this function, `from_utf8_unchecked(),`` which has the same behavior
    /// but skips the check.
    /// This method will take care to not copy the vector, for efficiency's
    /// sake.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns `Err` if the slice is not UTF-8 with a description as to why the
    /// provided bytes are not UTF-8. The vector you moved in is also included.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// // some bytes, in a vector
    /// let sparkle_heart = vec![240, 159, 146, 150];
    /// // We know these bytes are valid, so we'll use `unwrap()`.
    /// let sparkle_heart = Rope::from_utf8(sparkle_heart).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(&sparkle_heart, "💖");
    /// ```
    /// Incorrect bytes:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// // some invalid bytes, in a vector
    /// let sparkle_heart = vec![0, 159, 146, 150];
    /// assert!(Rope::from_utf8(sparkle_heart).is_err());
    /// ```
    pub fn from_utf8(vec: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Rope, string::FromUtf8Error> {

    /// Decode a UTF-16 encoded vector `v` into a `Rope`,
    /// returning `Err` if `v` contains any invalid data.
    pub fn from_utf16(v: &[u16]) -> Result<Rope, string::FromUtf16Error> {

    /// Converts a vector of bytes to a `Rope` without checking that the
    /// vector contains valid UTF-8.
    /// See the safe version, [`from_utf8()`], for more details.
    /// [`from_utf8()`]: struct.Rope.html#method.from_utf8
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe because it does not check that the bytes passed
    /// to it are valid UTF-8. If this constraint is violated, it may cause
    /// memory unsafety issues with future users of the `Rope`, as the rest of
    /// the standard library assumes that `Rope`s are valid UTF-8.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// // some bytes, in a vector
    /// let sparkle_heart = vec![240, 159, 146, 150];
    /// let sparkle_heart = unsafe {
    ///     Rope::from_utf8_unchecked(sparkle_heart)
    /// };
    /// assert_eq!(&sparkle_heart, "💖");
    /// ```
    pub unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Rope {

    /// Returns a new empty Rope
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let mut an_rope = Rope::new();
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope.len(), 0);
    /// ```
    #[inline] pub fn new() -> Rope { Rope::from(Node::empty()) }

    /// Returns the length of this Rope
    /// # Examples
    /// An empty `Rope` should have length 0.
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let mut an_empty_rope = Rope::new();
    /// assert_eq!(an_empty_rope.len(), 0);
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let mut an_empty_rope = Rope::from(String::from(""));
    /// assert_eq!(an_empty_rope.len(), 0);
    /// ```
    /// A `Rope` with text should have length equal to the number of
    /// characters in the `Rope`.
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let mut an_rope = Rope::from(String::from("a string"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope.len(), "a string".len());
    /// ```
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.root.len() }

    /// Returns `true` if this `Rope` is empty.
    /// # Examples
    /// A `Rope` with no characters should be empty:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_empty_rope = Rope::new();
    /// assert!(an_empty_rope.is_empty());
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_empty_rope = Rope::from(String::from(""));
    /// assert!(an_empty_rope.is_empty());
    /// ```
    /// A `Rope` with characters should not be empty:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("a string");
    /// assert!(!an_rope.is_empty());
    /// ```
    #[inline] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 }

    /// Insert `ch` into `index` in this `Rope`, returning a new `Rope`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * A new `Rope` with `ch` inserted at `index`
    /// # Time Complexity
    /// O(log _n_)
    /// # Panics
    /// * If `index` is greater than the length of this `Rope`
    /// # Examples
    /// Inserting at index 0 prepends `rope` to this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("bcd");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert(0, 'a');
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("bcd"));
    /// ```
    /// Inserting at index `len` prepends `char` to this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("abc");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert(an_rope.len(), 'd');
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("abc"));
    /// ```
    /// Inserting at an index in the middle inserts `char` at that index:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("acd");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert(1, 'b');
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("acd"));
    /// ```
    pub fn insert<M>(&self, index: M, ch: char) -> Rope
    where M: Metric
        , Self: Measured<M>
        , NodeLink: Measured<M>
        , String: Measured<M>
        , str: Measured<M>
        assert!( index <= self.measure()
               , "Rope::insert: index {:?} was > length {:?}"
               , index, self.measure());
        // TODO: this is gross...
        let mut s = String::new();
        self.insert_rope(index, &Rope::from(s))

    /// Delete the range `range` from this `Rope`,
    /// # Panics
    /// * If the start or end of `range` are indices outside of the `Rope`
    /// * If the end index of `range` is greater than the start index
    /// # Time Complexity
    /// O(log _n_)
    /// # Examples
    /// Deleting "not" from this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("this is not fine".to_string());
    /// let an_rope = an_rope.delete((8..12));
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope, "this is fine");
    /// ```
    #[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
    pub fn delete<R, M>(&self, range: R) -> Rope
    where R: RangeArgument<M>
        , M: Metric
        , Rope: Measured<M>
        , NodeLink: Measured<M>
        , String: Measured<M>
        , str: Measured<M>
        let start = range.start().map(|s| *s)
                         .unwrap_or_else(|| { M::default() });
        let end = range.end().map(|e| *e)
                       .unwrap_or_else(|| { self.measure() });

        assert!( start <= end
               , "invalid index! start {:?} > end {:?}", end, start);
        let (l, r) = self.root.split(start);
        let (_, r) = r.split(end - start);
        Rope::from(Node::new_branch(l, r))

    #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
    pub fn delete<M: Metric>(&self, range: ops::Range<M>) -> Rope
    where NodeLink: Measured<M>
        , String: Measured<M>
        , str: Measured<M>
        let (l, r) = self.root.split(range.start);
        let (_, r) = r.split(range.end - range.start);
        Rope::from(Node::new_branch(l, r))

    /// Insert `rope` into `index` in this `Rope`, returning a new `Rope`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * A new `Rope` with `rope` inserted at `index`
    /// # Time Complexity
    /// O(log _n_)
    /// # Panics
    /// * If `index` is greater than the length of this `Rope`
    /// # Examples
    /// Inserting at index 0 prepends `rope` to this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("cd");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert_rope(0, &Rope::from("ab"));
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("cd"));
    /// ```
    /// Inserting at index `len` prepends `rope` to this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("ab");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert_rope(an_rope.len(), &Rope::from("cd"));
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("ab"));
    /// ```
    /// Inserting at an index in the middle inserts `rope` at that index:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("ad");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert_rope(1, &Rope::from("bc"));
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("ad"))
    /// ```
    pub fn insert_rope<M>(&self, index: M, rope: &Rope) -> Rope
    where M: Metric
        , Self: Measured<M>
        , NodeLink: Measured<M>
        , String: Measured<M>
        , str: Measured<M>
        if !rope.is_empty() {
            let len = self.measure();
            if index.into() == 0 {
                // if the rope is being inserted at index 0, just prepend it
            } else if index == len {
                // if the rope is being inserted at index len, append it
            } else {
                // split the rope at the given index
                let (left, right) = self.root.split(index);

                // construct the new root node with `Rope` inserted
                // rebalance the new rope
                Rope::from(&left + &rope.root + right)
        } else {

    /// Insert `s` into `index` in this `Rope`, returning a new `Rope`.
    /// # Returns
    /// * A new `Rope` with `s` inserted at `index`
    /// # Panics
    /// *  If `index` is greater than the length of this `Rope`
    /// # Time Complexity
    /// O(log _n_)
    /// # Examples
    /// Inserting at index 0 prepends `s` to this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("cd");
    /// let an_rope = an_rope.insert_str(0, "ab");
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// ```
    /// Inserting at index `len` prepends `s` to this `Rope`:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("ab");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert_str(an_rope.len(), "cd");
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("ab"));
    /// ```
    /// Inserting at an index in the middle inserts `s` at that index:
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("ad");
    /// let new_rope = an_rope.insert_str(1, "bc");
    /// assert_eq!(an_rope, Rope::from("ad"));
    /// assert_eq!(new_rope, Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// ```
    pub fn insert_str<M>(&self, index: M, s: &str) -> Rope
    where M: Metric
        , Self: Measured<M>
        , NodeLink: Measured<M>

        , String: Measured<M>
        , str: Measured<M>
        assert!( index <= self.measure()
               , "Rope::insert_str: index {:?} was > length {:?}"
               , index, self.measure());
        self.insert_rope(index, &s.into())

    /// Appends a `Rope` to the end of this `Rope`, returning a new `Rope`
    /// Note that this is equivalent to using the `+` operator.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("abcd");
    /// let another_rope = an_rope.append(&Rope::from("efgh"));
    /// assert_eq!(&another_rope, "abcdefgh");
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope, "abcd");
    /// ```
    pub fn append(&self, other: &Rope) -> Rope {
        if !other.is_empty() {
            Rope::from(&self.root + &other.root)
        } else {

    /// Prepends a `Rope` to the end of this `Rope`, returning a new `Rope`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("efgh");
    /// let another_rope = an_rope.prepend(&Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope, "efgh");
    /// assert_eq!(&another_rope, "abcdefgh");
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("");
    /// let another_rope = an_rope.prepend(&Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope, "");
    /// assert_eq!(&another_rope, "abcd");
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from("abcd");
    /// let another_rope = an_rope.prepend(&Rope::from(""));
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope, "abcd");
    /// assert_eq!(&another_rope, &an_rope);
    /// assert_eq!(&another_rope, "abcd");
    /// ```
    pub fn prepend(&self, other: &Rope) -> Rope {
        if !other.is_empty() {
            Rope::from(&other.root + &self.root)
        } else {

    /// Splits the rope into two ropes at the given index.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from(String::from("abcd"));
    /// let (ab, cd) = an_rope.split(2);
    /// assert_eq!(ab, Rope::from(String::from("ab")));
    /// assert_eq!(cd, Rope::from(String::from("cd")));
    /// ```
    pub fn split<M: Metric>(&self, index: M) -> (Rope, Rope)
    where Self: Measured<M>
        , NodeLink: Measured<M>
        , String: Measured<M>
        , str: Measured<M>
        assert!(index <= self.measure());
        let (l, r) = self.root.split(index);
        (Rope::from(l), Rope::from(r))

    /// Rebalances this entire `Rope`, returning a balanced `Rope`.
    #[cfg(any(test, feature = "rebalance"))]
    fn rebalance(&mut self) {
        if self.is_balanced() {
            // the rope is already balanced, do nothing
        } else {
            // rebalance the rope
            // self.root = self.root.rebalance();

    /// Returns true if this `Rope` is balanced.
    /// Balancing invariant:
    /// the rope length needs to be less than _F_(rope_length) where F is fibonacci
    #[cfg(any(test, feature = "rebalance"))]
    fn is_balanced(&self) -> bool {

    unstable_iters! {
        #[doc="Returns an iterator over all the strings in this `Rope`"]
        pub fn strings<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&'a str> + 'a {

        #[doc="Returns an iterator over all the lines of text in this `Rope`."]
        pub fn lines<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=RopeSlice<'a>> +'a  {
            {   // create a new block here so the macro will bind the `use` stmt
                use internals::IsLineEnding;
                let last_idx = self.len() - 1;
                             .filter_map(move |(i, c)|
                                if c.is_line_ending() { Some(i) }
                                // special case: slice to the end of the rope
                                // even if it doesn't end in a newline character
                                else if i == last_idx { Some(i + 1) }
                                else { None })
                              .scan(0, move |mut l, i|  {
                                    let last = *l;
                                    *l = i + 1;
    // /// Returns a move iterator over all the strings in this `Rope`
    // ///
    // /// Consumes `self`.
    // #[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
    // #[inline]
    // pub fn into_strings<'a>(self) -> impl Iterator<Item=String> + 'a {
    //     self.root.into_strings()
    // }
    // /// Returns a move iterator over all the strings in this `Rope`
    // ///
    // /// Consumes `self`.
    // #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
    // #[inline]
    // pub fn into_strings<'a>(self) -> Box<Iterator<Item=String> + 'a> {
    //     self.root.into_strings()
    // }

    str_iters! {
        #[doc="Returns an iterator over all the bytes in this `Rope`.\n\
               \nAs a Rope consists of a sequence of bytes, we can iterate \
               through a rope by byte. This method returns such an iterator."]
        impl bytes<u8> for Rope {}
        #[doc="Returns an iterator over all the characters in this `Rope`.\n\
               \nAs a `Rope` consists of valid UTF-8, we can iterate through a \
               `Rope` by `char`. This method returns such an iterator. \n\
               \nIt's important to remember that `char` represents a Unicode \
               Scalar Value, and may not match your idea of what a \
               'character' is. Iteration over grapheme clusters may be what \
               you actually want."]
        impl chars<char> for Rope {}
        impl char_indices<(usize, char)> for Rope {}
        impl split_whitespace<&'a str> for Rope {}
        // #[inline]
        // impl lines<&'a str> for Rope {}

    unicode_seg_iters! {
            "Returns an iterator over the [grapheme clusters][graphemes] of \

             [graphemes]: \
             The iterator is over the  *extended grapheme clusters*; as \
             recommends extended grapheme cluster boundaries for general \
        impl graphemes<&'a str> for Rope {}
            "Returns an iterator over the words of `self`, separated on \
            [UAX#29 word boundaries]\

            Here, \"words\" are just those substrings which, after splitting on\
            UAX#29 word boundaries, contain any alphanumeric characters. That \
            is, the substring must contain at least one character with the \
            [Alphabetic]( \
            property, or with [General_Category=Number]\
        impl unicode_words<&'a str> for Rope {}
            "Returns an iterator over substrings of `self` separated on \
            [UAX#29 word boundaries]\
            ( \n\n\
            The concatenation of the substrings returned by this function is \
            just the original string."]
        impl split_word_bounds<&'a str> for Rope {}
        // #[inline]
        // impl grapheme_indices<(usize, &'a str)> for Rope {}
        // #[inline]
        // impl split_word_bound_indices<(usize, &'a str)> for Rope {}

    /// Returns an iterator over the grapheme clusters of `self` and their
    /// byte offsets. See `graphemes()` for more information.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from("a̐éö̲\r\n");
    /// let gr_inds = rope.grapheme_indices()
    ///                   .collect::<Vec<(usize, &str)>>();
    /// let b: &[_] = &[(0, "a̐"), (3, "é"), (6, "ö̲"), (11, "\r\n")];
    /// assert_eq!(&gr_inds[..], b);
    /// ```
    pub fn grapheme_indices(&self) -> internals::GraphemeIndices {

    /// Returns an iterator over substrings of `self`, split on UAX#29 word
    /// boundaries, and their offsets. See `split_word_bounds()` for more
    /// information.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from("Brr, it's 29.3°F!");
    /// let swi1 = rope.split_word_bound_indices()
    ///                .collect::<Vec<(usize, &str)>>();
    /// let b: &[_] = &[ (0, "Brr"), (3, ","), (4, " "), (5, "it's")
    ///                , (9, " "), (10, "29.3"),  (14, "°"), (16, "F")
    ///                , (17, "!")];
    /// assert_eq!(&swi1[..], b);
    /// ```
    pub fn split_word_bound_indices(&self) -> internals::UWordBoundIndices {

    /// Returns true if the bytes in `self` equal the bytes in `other`
    fn bytes_eq<I>(&self, other: I) -> bool
    where I: Iterator<Item=u8> {
        self.bytes().zip(other).all(|(a, b)| a == b)

    /// Returns an immutable slice of this `Rope` between the given indices.
    /// # Arguments
    /// + `range`: A [`RangeArgument`](
    /// specifying the range to slice. This can be produced by range syntax
    /// like `..`, `a..`, `..b` or `c..d`.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the start or end indices of the range to slice exceed the length of
    /// this `Rope`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    //  this doctest fails to link on my macbook for Secret Reasons.
    //  i'd really like to know why...
    //      - eliza, 12/23/2016
    /// #![feature(collections)]
    /// #![feature(collections_range)]
    /// extern crate collections;
    /// extern crate an_rope;
    /// # fn main() {
    /// use collections::range::RangeArgument;
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from("this is an example string");
    /// assert_eq!(&rope.slice(4..6), "is");
    /// # }
    /// ```
    #[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
    pub fn slice<R>(&self, range: R) -> RopeSlice
    where R: RangeArgument<usize> {
        RopeSlice::new(&self.root, range)
    #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
    pub fn slice(&self, range: ops::Range<usize>) -> RopeSlice {
        RopeSlice::new(&self.root, range)


impl convert::Into<Vec<u8>> for Rope {
    fn into(self) -> Vec<u8> {


//-- comparisons ----------------------------------------------------
impl cmp::Eq for Rope {}
impl cmp::PartialEq for Rope {
    /// A rope equals another rope if all the bytes in both are equal.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(Rope::from("abcd") == Rope::from("abcd"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(Rope::from("abcd") != Rope::from("ab"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(Rope::from("abcd") != Rope::from("dcab"))
    /// ```
    fn eq(&self, other: &Rope) -> bool {
        if self.len() == other.len() {
        } else {

impl cmp::PartialEq<str> for Rope {
    /// A rope equals a string if all the bytes in the string equal the rope's.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(&Rope::from("abcd") == "abcd");
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(&Rope::from("abcd") != "ab");
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(&Rope::from("abcd") != "dcab");
    /// ```
    fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
        if self.len() == other.len() {
        } else {

impl cmp::PartialEq<String> for Rope {
    /// A rope equals a string if all the bytes in the string equal the rope's.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(Rope::from("abcd") == String::from("abcd"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(Rope::from("abcd") != String::from("ab"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// assert!(Rope::from("abcd") != String::from("dcab"));
    /// ```
    fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool {
        if self.len() == other.len() {
        } else {

//-- concatenation --------------------------------------------------
impl<'a> ops::Add for &'a Rope {
    type Output = Rope;
    /// Non-destructively concatenate two `Rope`s, returning a new `Rope`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from(String::from("ab"));
    /// assert_eq!( &rope + &Rope::from(String::from("cd"))
    ///           , Rope::from(String::from("abcd")) );
    /// ```
    #[inline] fn add(self, other: Self) -> Rope { self.append(other) }


impl ops::Add for Rope {
    type Output = Rope;
    /// Non-destructively concatenate two `Rope`s, returning a new `Rope`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from(String::from("ab"));
    /// assert_eq!( rope + Rope::from(String::from("cd"))
    ///           , Rope::from(String::from("abcd")) );
    /// ```
    #[inline] fn add(self, other: Self) -> Rope { self.append(&other) }

impl ops::Add<String> for Rope {
    type Output = Rope;
    /// Non-destructively concatenate a `Rope` and a `String`.
    /// Returns a new `Rope`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from(String::from("ab"));
    /// assert_eq!( rope + String::from("cd")
    ///           , Rope::from(String::from("abcd")));
    /// ```
    #[inline] fn add(self, other: String) -> Rope {

impl<'a, 'b> ops::Add<&'b str> for &'a Rope {
    type Output = Rope;
    /// Non-destructively concatenate a `Rope` and an `&str`.
    /// Returns a new `Rope`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from(String::from("ab"));
    /// assert_eq!( &rope + "cd"
    ///           , Rope::from(String::from("abcd")));
    /// ```
    #[inline] fn add(self, other: &'b str) -> Rope {


impl<'a> ops::Add<&'a str> for Rope {
    type Output = Rope;
    /// Non-destructively concatenate a `Rope` and an `&str`.
    /// Returns a new `Rope`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let rope = Rope::from(String::from("ab"));
    /// assert_eq!( rope + "cd"
    ///           , Rope::from(String::from("abcd")));
    /// ```
    #[inline] fn add(self, other: &'a str) -> Rope {


impl ops::Index<usize> for Rope {
    type Output = str;

    /// Recursively index the Rope to return the `i` th character.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use an_rope::Rope;
    /// let an_rope = Rope::from(String::from("abcd"));
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope[0], "a");
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope[1], "b");
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope[2], "c");
    /// assert_eq!(&an_rope[3], "d");
    /// ```
    /// # Time complexity
    /// _O_(log _n_)
    fn index(&self, i: usize) -> &str {

//-- slicing operators ----------------------------------------------
impl ops::Index<ops::Range<usize>> for Rope {
    type Output = str;

    // Index a substring
    fn index(&self, _i: ops::Range<usize>) -> &str {

impl ops::Index<ops::RangeTo<usize>> for Rope {
    type Output = str;

    fn index(&self, _i: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> &str {

impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Rope {
    type Output = str;

    fn index(&self, _i: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &str {

impl ops::IndexMut<ops::Range<usize>> for Rope {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, _i: ops::Range<usize>) -> &mut str {

impl ops::IndexMut<ops::RangeTo<usize>> for Rope {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, _i: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> &mut str {

impl ops::IndexMut<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Rope {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, _i: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &mut str {

// impl<'a> Borrow<RopeSlice<'a>> for &'a Rope {
//     fn borrow(&self) -> &RopeSlice<'a> {
//         unimplemented!()
//     }
// }

// impl<A> iter::Extend<A> for Rope
// where Rope: iter::FromIterator<A>{
//     fn extend<B>(&mut self, iter: B)
//     where B: IntoIterator<Item=A> {
//         self.append(&(iter.into_iter().collect()));
//     }
// }

impl iter::FromIterator<char> for Rope {

    fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Rope
    where I: IntoIterator<Item=char> {
        let s: String = iter.into_iter().collect();



impl iter::FromIterator<String> for Rope {

    fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Rope
    where I: IntoIterator<Item=String> {
        iter.into_iter().fold(Rope::new(), |acc, x| acc + x)


impl iter::FromIterator<Rope> for Rope {

    fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Rope
    where I: IntoIterator<Item=Rope> {
        iter.into_iter().fold(Rope::new(), |acc, x| acc + x)


impl<'a> iter::FromIterator<&'a char> for Rope {

    fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Rope
    where I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a char> {
        let s: String = iter.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| {acc.push(*x); acc});


impl<'a> iter::FromIterator<&'a str> for Rope {

    fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Rope
    where I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a str> {
        iter.into_iter().fold(Rope::new(), |acc, x| acc + x)
