aml 0.11.0

Library for parsing AML
use crate::{
    parser::{take, take_n, Parser, Propagate},
use bit_field::BitField;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct PkgLength {
    pub raw_length: u32,
    /// The offset in the structure's stream to stop parsing at - the "end" of the PkgLength. We need to track this
    /// instead of the actual length encoded in the PkgLength as we often need to parse some stuff between the
    /// PkgLength and the explicit-length structure.
    pub end_offset: u32,

impl PkgLength {
    pub fn from_raw_length(stream: &[u8], raw_length: u32) -> Result<PkgLength, AmlError> {
        Ok(PkgLength {
            end_offset: (stream.len() as u32).checked_sub(raw_length).ok_or(AmlError::InvalidPkgLength)?,

    /// Returns `true` if the given stream is still within the structure this `PkgLength` refers
    /// to.
    pub fn still_parsing(&self, stream: &[u8]) -> bool {
        stream.len() as u32 > self.end_offset

pub fn pkg_length<'a, 'c>() -> impl Parser<'a, 'c, PkgLength>
    'c: 'a,
    move |input: &'a [u8], context: &'c mut AmlContext| -> crate::parser::ParseResult<'a, 'c, PkgLength> {
        let (new_input, context, raw_length) = raw_pkg_length().parse(input, context)?;

         * NOTE: we use the original input here, because `raw_length` includes the length of the
         * `PkgLength`.
        match PkgLength::from_raw_length(input, raw_length) {
            Ok(pkg_length) => Ok((new_input, context, pkg_length)),
            Err(err) => Err((input, context, Propagate::Err(err))),

/// Parses a `PkgLength` and returns the *raw length*. If you want an instance of `PkgLength`, use
/// `pkg_length` instead.
pub fn raw_pkg_length<'a, 'c>() -> impl Parser<'a, 'c, u32>
    'c: 'a,
     * PkgLength := PkgLeadByte |
     * <PkgLeadByte ByteData> |
     * <PkgLeadByte ByteData ByteData> |
     * <PkgLeadByte ByteData ByteData ByteData>
     * The length encoded by the PkgLength includes the number of bytes used to encode it.
    move |input: &'a [u8], context: &'c mut AmlContext| {
        let (new_input, context, lead_byte) = take().parse(input, context)?;
        let byte_count = lead_byte.get_bits(6..8);

        if byte_count == 0 {
            let length = u32::from(lead_byte.get_bits(0..6));
            return Ok((new_input, context, length));

        let (new_input, context, length): (&[u8], &mut AmlContext, u32) = match take_n(byte_count as u32)
            .parse(new_input, context)
            Ok((new_input, context, bytes)) => {
                let initial_length = u32::from(lead_byte.get_bits(0..4));
                        .fold(initial_length, |length, (i, &byte)| length + (u32::from(byte) << (4 + i * 8))),

             * The stream was too short. We return an error, making sure to return the
             * *original* stream (that we haven't consumed any of).
            Err((_, context, _)) => return Err((input, context, Propagate::Err(AmlError::UnexpectedEndOfStream))),

        Ok((new_input, context, length))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{test_utils::*, AmlError};

    fn test_correct_pkglength(stream: &[u8], expected_raw_length: u32, expected_leftover: &[u8]) {
        let mut context = make_test_context();
            pkg_length().parse(stream, &mut context),
            PkgLength::from_raw_length(stream, expected_raw_length).unwrap(),

    fn test_raw_pkg_length() {
        let mut context = make_test_context();
        check_ok!(raw_pkg_length().parse(&[0b01000101, 0x14], &mut context), 325, &[]);
        check_ok!(raw_pkg_length().parse(&[0b01000111, 0x14, 0x46], &mut context), 327, &[0x46]);
        check_ok!(raw_pkg_length().parse(&[0b10000111, 0x14, 0x46], &mut context), 287047, &[]);

    fn test_pkg_length() {
        let mut context = make_test_context();
        check_err!(pkg_length().parse(&[], &mut context), AmlError::UnexpectedEndOfStream, &[]);
        test_correct_pkglength(&[0x00], 0, &[]);
        test_correct_pkglength(&[0x05, 0xf5, 0x7f, 0x3e, 0x54, 0x03], 5, &[0xf5, 0x7f, 0x3e, 0x54, 0x03]);

                .feed(|length| crate::parser::take_to_end_of_pkglength(length))
                .parse(&[0x05, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], &mut context),
            &[0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04],
            &[0xff, 0xff, 0xff]

    fn not_enough_pkglength() {
        let mut context = make_test_context();
            pkg_length().parse(&[0b11000000, 0xff, 0x4f], &mut context),
            &[0b11000000, 0xff, 0x4f]

    fn not_enough_stream() {
        let mut context = make_test_context();
        check_err!(pkg_length().parse(&[0x05, 0xf5], &mut context), AmlError::InvalidPkgLength, &[0x05, 0xf5]);