allocator_api 0.4.0

This is a copy of the unstable allocator_api ( and of parts of the unstable alloc feature. Usable with stable rust, but requires 1.26.
# allocator_api

This is a copy of the unstable allocator_api
( and of parts of the unstable
alloc feature.

Usable with stable rust, but requires 1.26.

## Differences with nightly rust

The code was copied from the rust repository as of
4367e41ea2a105c373de27c2f080fc2527cc6927, with #[stable] and #[unstable]
annotations removed.

In the alloc module (corresponding to parts of both core::alloc and
std::alloc), the `oom` function infinitely loops instead of calling
`core::intrinsics::abort`, which is not stable. Users of this crate should use
`set_oom_hook` to set their own oom function that aborts in the right way (in
non-no_std cases, one can use `process::abort()`). The `Opaque` type is an
empty enum instead of an (not yet stable) extern type.

In the raw_vec module (corresponding to alloc::raw_vec), `RawVec` uses
`NonNull` instead of `Unique`.

In the boxed module (corresponding to alloc::boxed), the `Box` type is
augmented such that it is associated with an allocator, similarly to `RawVec`.
Its API is consequently slightly different from `std::boxed::Box` (e.g.
`from_raw` is replaced with `from_raw_in`). The same (stable) features as
`std::boxed::Box` are implemented, except for `downcast` for `Box<Any>` and
`Box<Any + Send>`, and `Box<str>` functions. Like for `RawVec`, the type
relies on `NonNull` rather than `Unique`.

Caveat: the types provided in this crate cannot be used where the corresponding
types from `std`/`alloc` are expected. Few APIs should be taking those types
directly as input, though.