alloc-cortex-m 0.1.0

A heap allocator for Cortex-M processors
//! A heap allocator for Cortex-M processors
//! # Example
//! ```
//! // Plug in the allocator
//! extern crate alloc_cortex_m;
//! extern crate collections;
//! use alloc_cortex_m::HEAP;
//! use collections::Vec;
//! #[no_mangle]
//! pub fn main() -> ! {
//!     // Initialize the heap BEFORE you use the allocator
//!     unsafe { HEAP.init(0x2000_0000, 1024) }
//!     let mut xs = Vec::new();
//!     xs.push(1);
//!     // ...
//! }
//! ```


extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate linked_list_allocator;

use core::{ptr, cmp};

use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;

/// A global UNINITIALIZED heap allocator
/// You must initialize this heap using the
/// [`init`](struct.Heap.html#method.init) method before using the allocator.
pub static HEAP: Mutex<Heap> = Mutex::new(Heap::empty());

/// A heap allocator
// NOTE newtype to hide all the other Heap methods
pub struct Heap {
    inner: linked_list_allocator::Heap,

impl Heap {
    const fn empty() -> Self {
        Heap { inner: linked_list_allocator::Heap::empty() }

    /// Initializes the heap
    /// This method must be called before you run any code that makes use of the
    /// allocator.
    /// This method must be called exactly ONCE.
    /// `heap_bottom` is the address where the heap will be located. Note that
    /// heap grows "upwards", towards larger addresses.
    /// `heap_size` is the size of the heap in bytes
    pub unsafe fn init(&mut self, heap_bottom: usize, heap_size: usize) {
        self.inner.init(heap_bottom, heap_size);

// Rust allocator interface

/// Rust allocation function (c.f. malloc)
pub extern "C" fn __rust_allocate(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
    HEAP.lock(|heap| {
        heap.inner.allocate_first_fit(size, align).expect("out of memory")

/// Rust de-allocation function (c.f. free)
pub extern "C" fn __rust_deallocate(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize, align: usize) {
    HEAP.lock(|heap| unsafe { heap.inner.deallocate(ptr, size, align) });

/// Rust re-allocation function (c.f. realloc)
pub extern "C" fn __rust_reallocate(ptr: *mut u8,
                                    size: usize,
                                    new_size: usize,
                                    align: usize)
                                    -> *mut u8 {

    // from:
    //     c66d2380a810c9a2b3dbb4f93a830b101ee49cc2/
    //     src/liballoc_system/

    let new_ptr = __rust_allocate(new_size, align);
    unsafe { ptr::copy(ptr, new_ptr, cmp::min(size, new_size)) };
    __rust_deallocate(ptr, size, align);

/// Rust re-allocation function which guarantees not to move the data
/// somewhere else.
pub extern "C" fn __rust_reallocate_inplace(_ptr: *mut u8,
                                            size: usize,
                                            _new_size: usize,
                                            _align: usize)
                                            -> usize {

/// Some allocators (pool allocators generally) over-allocate. This checks how
/// much space there is at a location. Our allocator doesn't over allocate so
/// this just returns `size`
pub extern "C" fn __rust_usable_size(size: usize, _align: usize) -> usize {