alloc-compose 0.5.0

Composable allocator structures for plugging together more powerful allocators
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(doc, feature(doc_cfg, external_doc))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "intrinsics", feature(core_intrinsics))]
#![cfg_attr(test, feature(maybe_uninit_slice_assume_init))]
#![cfg_attr(doc, doc(include = "../"))]
#![allow(incomplete_features, clippy::must_use_candidate)]

#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", doc))]
extern crate alloc;

pub mod stats;

mod helper;
mod macros;

mod affix;
mod callback_ref;
mod chunk;
mod fallback;
mod null;
mod proxy;
mod region;
mod segregate;

use core::{
    alloc::{AllocErr, Layout},

pub use self::{

#[cfg(feature = "intrinsics")]
mod intrinsics {
    pub use core::intrinsics::{assume, unlikely};

#[cfg(not(feature = "intrinsics"))]
mod intrinsics {
    #![allow(clippy::missing_const_for_fn, clippy::inline_always)]

    pub fn unlikely(b: bool) -> bool {

    pub const unsafe fn assume(_: bool) {}

use crate::intrinsics::{assume, unlikely};

mod SIZE {}

pub unsafe trait AllocAll {
    /// Attempts to allocate all of the memory the allocator can provide.
    /// If the allocator is currently not managing any memory, then it returns all the memory
    /// available to the allocator. Subsequent calls should not suceed.
    /// On success, returns a [`NonNull<[u8]>`] meeting the size and alignment guarantees of `layout`.
    /// The returned block may have a larger size than specified by `layout.size()`, and may or may
    /// not have its contents initialized.
    /// [`NonNull<[u8]>`]: NonNull
    /// # Errors
    /// Returning `Err` indicates that either memory is exhausted or `layout` does not meet
    /// allocator's size or alignment constraints.
    /// Implementations are encouraged to return `Err` on memory exhaustion rather than panicking or
    /// aborting, but this is not a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is *legal* to implement
    /// this trait atop an underlying native allocation library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
    /// Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an allocation error are encouraged to
    /// call the [`handle_alloc_error`] function, rather than directly invoking `panic!` or similar.
    /// [`handle_alloc_error`]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
    fn alloc_all(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr>;

    /// Behaves like `alloc_all`, but also ensures that the returned memory is zero-initialized.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returning `Err` indicates that either memory is exhausted or `layout` does not meet
    /// allocator's size or alignment constraints.
    /// Implementations are encouraged to return `Err` on memory exhaustion rather than panicking or
    /// aborting, but this is not a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is *legal* to implement
    /// this trait atop an underlying native allocation library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
    /// Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an allocation error are encouraged to
    /// call the [`handle_alloc_error`] function, rather than directly invoking `panic!` or similar.
    /// [`handle_alloc_error`]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
    fn alloc_all_zeroed(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr>;

    /// Deallocates all the memory the allocator had allocated.
    fn dealloc_all(&mut self);

    /// Returns the total capacity available in this allocator.
    fn capacity(&self) -> usize;

    /// Returns the free capacity left for allocating.
    fn capacity_left(&self) -> usize;

    /// Returns if the allocator is currently not holding memory.
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.capacity() == self.capacity_left()

    /// Returns if the allocator has no more capacity left.
    fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
        self.capacity_left() == 0

pub unsafe trait ReallocInPlace {
    /// Attempts to extend the allocation referenced by `ptr` to fit `new_layout`.
    /// Returns the a new actual size of the allocated memory. The pointer is suitable for holding
    /// data described by a new layout with `layout`’s alignment and a size given by `new_size`.
    /// To accomplish this, the allocator may extend the allocation referenced by `ptr` to fit the
    /// new layout.
    /// If this method returns `Err`, the allocator was not able to grow the memory without
    /// changing the pointer. The ownership of the memory block has not been transferred to
    /// this allocator, and the contents of the memory block are unaltered.
    /// # Safety
    /// * `ptr` must denote a block of memory [*currently allocated*] via this allocator,
    /// * `layout` must [*fit*] that block of memory (The `new_size` argument need not fit it.),
    /// * `new_size` must be greater than or equal to `layout.size()`, and
    /// * `new_size`, when rounded up to the nearest multiple of `layout.align()`, must not overflow
    ///   (i.e., the rounded value must be less than or equal to `usize::MAX`).
    /// [*currently allocated*]:
    /// [*fit*]:
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns `Err` if the new layout does not meet the allocator's size and alignment
    /// constraints of the allocator, or if growing otherwise fails.
    /// Implementations are encouraged to return `Err` on memory exhaustion rather than panicking or
    /// aborting, but this is not a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is *legal* to implement
    /// this trait atop an underlying native allocation library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
    /// Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an allocation error are encouraged to
    /// call the [`handle_alloc_error`] function, rather than directly invoking `panic!` or similar.
    /// [`handle_alloc_error`]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
    unsafe fn grow_in_place(
        &mut self,
        ptr: NonNull<u8>,
        layout: Layout,
        new_size: usize,
    ) -> Result<usize, AllocErr>;

    /// Behaves like `grow_in_place`, but also ensures that the new contents are set to zero before
    /// being returned.
    /// The memory block will contain the following contents after a successful call to
    /// `grow_in_place_zeroed`:
    ///   * Bytes `0..layout.size()` are preserved from the original allocation.
    ///   * Bytes `layout.size()..old_size` will either be preserved or zeroed,
    ///     depending on the allocator implementation. `old_size` refers to the size of
    ///     the `MemoryBlock` prior to the `grow_in_place_zeroed` call, which may be larger than the
    ///     size that was originally requested when it was allocated.
    ///   * Bytes `old_size..new_size` are zeroed. `new_size` refers to
    ///     the size of the `MemoryBlock` returned by the `grow` call.
    /// # Safety
    /// * `ptr` must denote a block of memory [*currently allocated*] via this allocator,
    /// * `layout` must [*fit*] that block of memory (The `new_size` argument need not fit it.),
    /// * `new_size` must be greater than or equal to `layout.size()`, and
    /// * `new_size`, when rounded up to the nearest multiple of `layout.align()`, must not overflow
    ///   (i.e., the rounded value must be less than or equal to `usize::MAX`).
    /// [*currently allocated*]:
    /// [*fit*]:
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns `Err` if the new layout does not meet the allocator's size and alignment
    /// constraints of the allocator, or if growing otherwise fails.
    /// Implementations are encouraged to return `Err` on memory exhaustion rather than panicking or
    /// aborting, but this is not a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is *legal* to implement
    /// this trait atop an underlying native allocation library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
    /// Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an allocation error are encouraged to
    /// call the [`handle_alloc_error`] function, rather than directly invoking `panic!` or similar.
    /// [`handle_alloc_error`]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
    unsafe fn grow_in_place_zeroed(
        &mut self,
        ptr: NonNull<u8>,
        layout: Layout,
        new_size: usize,
    ) -> Result<usize, AllocErr>;

    /// Attempts to shrink the allocation referenced by `ptr` to fit `new_layout`.
    /// Returns the a new actual size of the allocated memory. The pointer is suitable for holding
    /// data described by a new layout with `layout`’s alignment and a size given by `new_size`.
    /// To accomplish this, the allocator may extend the allocation referenced by `ptr` to fit the
    /// new layout.
    /// If this method returns `Err`, the allocator was not able to shrink the memory without
    /// changing the pointer. The ownership of the memory block has not been transferred to
    /// this allocator, and the contents of the memory block are unaltered.
    /// # Safety
    /// * `ptr` must denote a block of memory [*currently allocated*] via this allocator,
    /// * `layout` must [*fit*] that block of memory (The `new_size` argument need not fit it.), and
    /// * `new_size` must be smaller than or equal to `layout.size()`
    /// [*currently allocated*]:
    /// [*fit*]:
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns `Err` if the new layout does not meet the allocator's size and alignment
    /// constraints of the allocator, or if growing otherwise fails.
    /// Implementations are encouraged to return `Err` on memory exhaustion rather than panicking or
    /// aborting, but this is not a strict requirement. (Specifically: it is *legal* to implement
    /// this trait atop an underlying native allocation library that aborts on memory exhaustion.)
    /// Clients wishing to abort computation in response to an allocation error are encouraged to
    /// call the [`handle_alloc_error`] function, rather than directly invoking `panic!` or similar.
    /// [`handle_alloc_error`]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
    unsafe fn shrink_in_place(
        &mut self,
        ptr: NonNull<u8>,
        layout: Layout,
        new_size: usize,
    ) -> Result<usize, AllocErr>;

/// Trait to determine if a given `MemoryBlock` is owned by an allocator.
pub trait Owns {
    /// Returns if the allocator *owns* the passed `MemoryBlock`.
    fn owns(&self, ptr: NonNull<[u8]>) -> bool;

fn check_dealloc_precondition(ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
        ptr.as_ptr() as usize >= layout.align(),
        "`ptr` allocated with the same alignment as `layout.align()`, expected {} >= {}",
        ptr.as_ptr() as usize,

fn check_grow_precondition(ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) {
        ptr.as_ptr() as usize >= layout.align(),
        "`ptr` allocated with the same alignment as `layout.align()`, expected {} >= {}",
        ptr.as_ptr() as usize,
        new_size >= layout.size(),
        "`new_size` must be greater than or equal to `layout.size()`, expected {} >= {}",

fn check_shrink_precondition(ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) {
        ptr.as_ptr() as usize >= layout.align(),
        "`ptr` allocated with the same alignment as `layout.align()`, expected {} >= {}",
        ptr.as_ptr() as usize,
        new_size <= layout.size(),
        "`new_size` must be smaller than or equal to `layout.size()`, expected {} <= {}",