all-is-cubes 0.5.0

Recursive voxel game engine. Can be used for voxel raytracing.
//! [`Universe`], the top-level game-world container.
//! ## Thread-safety
//! [`Universe`], [`URef`], and their contents implement [`Send`] and [`Sync`],
//! such that it is possible to access a universe from multiple threads.
//! However, they do not (currently) provide any ability to wait to obtain a lock,
//! because there is not yet a policy about how one would avoid the possibility of
//! deadlock. Instead, you may only _attempt_ to acquire a lock, receiving an error if it
//! is already held. (TODO: Improve this.)
//! For the time being, if you wish to use a [`Universe`] from multiple threads, you must
//! bring your own synchronization mechanisms to ensure that readers and writers do not
//! run at the same time.

use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;

use instant::Instant;

use crate::block::BlockDef;
use crate::character::Character;
use crate::space::{Space, SpaceStepInfo};
use crate::time::Tick;
use crate::transaction::Transaction as _;
use crate::util::{CustomFormat, StatusText, TypeName};

mod members;
// pub(crate) because all items are currently internal
pub(crate) use members::*;

mod universe_txn;
pub use universe_txn::*;

mod uref;
pub use uref::*;

mod visit;
pub use visit::*;

mod tests;

/// Name/key of an object in a [`Universe`].
/// Internally uses [`Arc`] to be cheap to clone. Might be interned in future versions.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub enum Name {
    /// An explicitly set name.
    /// An automatically assigned name.
impl From<&str> for Name {
    fn from(value: &str) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for Name {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Name::Specific(name) => write!(f, "'{name}'"),
            Name::Anonym(index) => write!(f, "[anonymous #{index}]"),

/// Copiable unique (within this process) identifier for a [`Universe`].
/// Used to check whether [`URef`]s belong to particular [`Universe`]s.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct UniverseId(u64);

static UNIVERSE_ID_COUNTER: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);

impl UniverseId {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self(UNIVERSE_ID_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed))

/// A collection of named objects which can refer to each other via [`URef`]. In the
/// future, it will enable garbage collection and inter-object invariants.
/// See also the [`UniverseIndex`] trait for methods for adding and removing objects.
/// **Thread-safety caveat:** See the documentation on [avoiding deadlock].
/// [avoiding deadlock]: crate::universe#thread-safety
pub struct Universe {
    blocks: Storage<BlockDef>,
    characters: Storage<Character>,
    spaces: Storage<Space>,

    id: UniverseId,
    /// Next number to assign to a [`Name::Anonym`].
    next_anonym: usize,
    /// Whether to run a garbage collection on the next step().
    /// This is set to true whenever a new member is inserted, which policy ensures
    /// that repeated insertion and dropping references cannot lead to unbounded growth
    /// as long as steps occur routinely.
    wants_gc: bool,

impl Universe {
    /// Constructs an empty [`Universe`].
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Universe {
            blocks: Storage::new(),
            spaces: Storage::new(),
            // TODO: bodies so body-in-world stepping
            characters: Storage::new(),

            id: UniverseId::new(),
            next_anonym: 0,
            wants_gc: false,

    /// Returns a [`URef`] for the object in this universe with the given name,
    /// regardless of its type, or [`None`] if there is none.
    /// This is a dynamically-typed version of [`UniverseIndex::get`].
    // TODO: Find a useful way to implement this which does not require
    // boxing. Perhaps `URootRef` should implement `URefErased`? That would
    // change what `URef: Any` means, though. Perhaps `URootRef` should own
    // a prepared `URef` that it can return a reference to.
    pub fn get_any(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<Box<dyn URefErased>> {
        let Self {
            id: _,
            next_anonym: _,
            wants_gc: _,
        } = self;

        if let Some(r) = blocks.get(name) {
            return Some(Box::new(r.downgrade()));
        if let Some(r) = characters.get(name) {
            return Some(Box::new(r.downgrade()));
        if let Some(r) = spaces.get(name) {
            return Some(Box::new(r.downgrade()));

    // TODO: temporary shortcuts to be replaced with more nuance
    pub fn get_default_character(&self) -> Option<URef<Character>> {

    /// Advance time for all members.
    pub fn step(&mut self, tick: Tick) -> UniverseStepInfo {
        let mut info = UniverseStepInfo::default();
        let start_time = Instant::now();

        if self.wants_gc {
            self.wants_gc = false;

        let mut transactions = Vec::new();

        for space_root in self.spaces.values() {
            let space_ref = space_root.downgrade();
            let (space_info, transaction) = space_ref
                .try_modify(|space| space.step(Some(&space_ref), tick))
                .expect("space borrowed during universe.step()");
            info.space_step += space_info;

        for character_root in self.characters.values() {
            let character_ref = character_root.downgrade();
            let (_body_step_info, transaction) = character_ref
                .try_modify(|ch| ch.step(Some(&character_ref), tick))
                .expect("character borrowed during universe.step()");

        // TODO: Quick hack -- we would actually like to execute non-conflicting transactions and skip conflicting ones...
        for t in transactions {
            if let Err(e) = t.execute(self) {
                // TODO: Need to report these failures back to the source
                // ... and perhaps in the UniverseStepInfo
                log::info!("Transaction failure: {}", e);

        info.computation_time = Instant::now().duration_since(start_time);

    /// Inserts a new object without giving it a specific name, and returns
    /// a reference to it.
    pub fn insert_anonymous<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> URef<T>
        Self: UniverseIndex<T>,
        T: UniverseMember,
        let name = Name::Anonym(self.next_anonym);
        self.next_anonym += 1;
        self.insert(name, value)
            .expect("shouldn't happen: newly created anonym already in use")

    /// Delete a member.
    /// (Use [`UniverseTransaction::delete()`] as the public interface to this.)
    /// Returns whether the entry actually existed.
    pub(crate) fn delete(&mut self, name: &Name) -> bool {
        let Self {
            id: _,
            next_anonym: _,
            wants_gc: _,
        } = self;

            || characters.remove(name).is_some()
            || spaces.remove(name).is_some()

    /// Delete all anonymous members which have no references to them.
    /// This may happen at any time during operations of the universe; calling this method
    /// merely ensures that it happens now and not earlier.
    pub fn gc(&mut self) {
        let Self {
            id: _,
            next_anonym: _,
            wants_gc: _,
        } = self;

        // TODO: We need a real GC algorithm. For now, let's perform non-cyclic collection by
        // checking reference counts. If an entry has no weak references to its `Arc`, then
        // we know that it has no `URef`s.
        // Besides not collecting cycles, this algorithm also has the flaw that it keeps
        // members around if there are `URef`s to them outside of the Universe, whereas the
        // preferred behavior, for consistency of the game logic, would be that they
        // go away at a time that is deterministic with respect to the simulation.

impl fmt::Debug for Universe {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut ds = fmt.debug_struct("Universe");
        format_members::<BlockDef>(self, &mut ds);
        format_members::<Character>(self, &mut ds);
        format_members::<Space>(self, &mut ds);
fn format_members<T>(universe: &Universe, ds: &mut fmt::DebugStruct<'_, '_>)
    Universe: UniverseTable<T>,
    for name in universe.table().keys() {
        // match root.strong_ref.try_borrow() {
        //     Ok(entry) => ds.field(&name.to_string(), &,
        //     Err(_) => ds.field(&name.to_string(), &"<in use>"),
        // };
        ds.field(&name.to_string(), &PhantomData::<T>.custom_format(TypeName));

/// Trait implemented once for each type of object that can be stored in a [`Universe`]
/// that permits lookups of that type.
pub trait UniverseIndex<T>
    T: UniverseMember,
    // Internal: Implementations of this are in the [`members`] module.

    /// Translates a name for an object of type `T` into a [`URef`] for it, which
    /// allows borrowing the actual object.
    /// Returns [`None`] if no object exists for the name.
    fn get(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<URef<T>>;

    /// Inserts a new object with a specific name.
    /// Returns an error if the name is already in use.
    fn insert(&mut self, name: Name, value: T) -> Result<URef<T>, InsertError>;

    /// Iterate over all of the objects of type `T`.
    /// Note that this includes anonymous objects.
    /// ```
    /// use all_is_cubes::block::{Block, BlockDef};
    /// use all_is_cubes::content::make_some_blocks;
    /// use all_is_cubes::universe::{Name, Universe, UniverseIndex, URef};
    /// let mut universe = Universe::new();
    /// let [block_1, block_2] = make_some_blocks();
    /// universe.insert(Name::from("b1"), BlockDef::new(block_1.clone()));
    /// universe.insert(Name::from("b2"), BlockDef::new(block_2.clone()));
    /// let mut found_blocks = universe.iter_by_type()
    ///     .map(|(name, value): (Name, URef<BlockDef>)| (name, Block::clone(&
    ///     .collect::<Vec<_>>();
    /// found_blocks.sort_by_key(|(name, _)| name.to_string());
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     found_blocks,
    ///     vec![Name::from("b1"), Name::from("b2")].into_iter()
    ///         .zip(vec![block_1, block_2])
    ///         .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
    /// );
    /// ```
    fn iter_by_type(&self) -> UniverseIter<'_, T>;

/// Iterator type for [`UniverseIndex::iter_by_type`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UniverseIter<'u, T>(std::collections::btree_map::Iter<'u, Name, URootRef<T>>);
impl<'u, T> Iterator for UniverseIter<'u, T> {
    type Item = (Name, URef<T>);
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            .map(|(name, root)| (name.clone(), root.downgrade()))

impl Default for Universe {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Errors resulting from attempting to insert an object in a `Universe`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum InsertError {
    #[error("an object already exists with name {0}")]

/// Performance data returned by [`Universe::step`]. The exact contents of this structure
/// are unstable; use only `Debug` formatting to examine its contents unless you have
/// a specific need for one of the values.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct UniverseStepInfo {
    pub computation_time: Duration,
    space_step: SpaceStepInfo,
impl std::ops::AddAssign<UniverseStepInfo> for UniverseStepInfo {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
        self.space_step += other.space_step;
impl CustomFormat<StatusText> for UniverseStepInfo {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, _: StatusText) -> fmt::Result {
            "Step computation: {}",
        write!(fmt, "{}", self.space_step.custom_format(StatusText))?;

/// Helper for [`Universe::gc()`].
fn gc_members<T>(table: &mut Storage<T>) {
    let mut dead: Vec<Name> = Vec::new();
    for (name, root) in table.iter() {
        if root.weak_ref_count() == 0 {
    for name in dead {