all-is-cubes-ui 0.5.0

User interface subsystem for the all-is-cubes engine.
//! User interface framework and screens for [`all_is_cubes`].
//! This crate does not provide any platform bindings, but contains components for
//! the platform-independent components of the complete interactive game application.
//! If you create a [`Session`], it will manage the [`Universe`], the [UI](crate::vui),
//! and user input; you need to provide:
//! * A renderer, possibly using the [`all-is-cubes-gpu`](,
//!   [the software raytracer](all_is_cubes::raytracer), or your own code.
//! * Deliver input events to [`Session::input_processor`].
//! TODO: Modules of this crate need a review of their organization.
//! [`Session`]: crate::apps::Session
//! [`Session::input_processor`]: crate::apps::Session::input_processor
//! [`Universe`]: all_is_cubes::universe::Universe

// Basic lint settings, which should be identical across all all-is-cubes project crates.
// This list is sorted.
// Lenience for tests.
    allow(clippy::float_cmp), // deterministic tests
    allow(clippy::redundant_clone), // prefer regularity over efficiency
// #![warn(unused_crate_dependencies)]  // noisy for dev-dependencies; enable sometimes for review

// Crate-specific lint settings.
// TODO: #![warn(missing_docs)]

pub mod apps;
pub mod logo;
pub mod vui;