all-is-cubes-port 0.5.0

Data import/export for the all-is-cubes engine.
//! Helpers for working with [`gltf_json`].

use std::fmt;

use all_is_cubes::cgmath;

use gltf_json::validation::Checked::Valid;
use gltf_json::Index;

use all_is_cubes::cgmath::Vector3;
use all_is_cubes::cgmath::Vector4;

// TODO: contribute this to gltf_json
pub(crate) fn push_and_return_index<T>(vec: &mut Vec<T>, value: T) -> Index<T> {
    let index: u32 = vec.len().try_into().expect("Too many items");

/// Convert to a `gltf_json` size value.
/// Note: the glTF standard does not actually impose this limit
pub(crate) fn u32size(size: usize) -> u32 {
    // TODO: worth making this a Result?
        .expect("Data overflowed 32-bit maximum size")

/// For a [`gltf_json::Accessor`], find the elementwise minimum and maximum values
/// in a slice of arrays of some kind of value.
pub(crate) fn accessor_minmax<I, const N: usize>(items: I) -> [Option<serde_json::Value>; 2]
    I: IntoIterator<Item = [f32; N]>,
    let mut mins = [f32::INFINITY; N];
    let mut maxes = [f32::NEG_INFINITY; N];
    for array in items {
        for i in 0..N {
            mins[i] = mins[i].min(array[i]);
            maxes[i] = maxes[i].max(array[i]);
    if mins[0].is_finite() {
    } else {
        [None, None]

/// f32, but in guaranteed little-endian representation for copying into glTF
/// buffer data.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, bytemuck::Pod, bytemuck::Zeroable)]
pub(crate) struct Lef32([u8; 4]);

impl Lef32 {
    // All bits zero is also the value 'positive zero'
    pub const ZERO: Self = Lef32([0, 0, 0, 0]);

    pub(crate) fn from_vec3(vector: Vector3<f32>) -> [Self; 3] {
    pub(crate) fn from_vec4(vector: Vector4<f32>) -> [Self; 4] {

impl fmt::Debug for Lef32 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

impl PartialEq for Lef32 {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        f32::from(*self) == f32::from(*other)

impl From<f32> for Lef32 {
    fn from(input: f32) -> Self {

impl From<Lef32> for f32 {
    fn from(input: Lef32) -> Self {

pub(crate) fn convert_quaternion(rot: cgmath::Basis3<f64>) -> gltf_json::scene::UnitQuaternion {
    let q: cgmath::Quaternion<f64> = rot.into();
    let q: cgmath::Quaternion<f32> = q.cast().unwrap();
    gltf_json::scene::UnitQuaternion([q.v.x, q.v.y, q.v.z, q.s])

/// Shorthand to construct a `Node` having no contents until modified.
pub(crate) fn empty_node(name: Option<String>) -> gltf_json::Node {
    gltf_json::Node {
        camera: None,
        children: None,
        extensions: Default::default(),
        extras: Default::default(),
        matrix: None,
        mesh: None,
        rotation: None,
        scale: None,
        translation: None,
        skin: None,
        weights: None,

/// Create an Accessor and compute the min and max from the data, which must be consistent with the buffer.
/// Currently the elements must be vectors (or scalars) of f32s.
pub(crate) fn create_accessor<I, const COMPONENTS: usize>(
    name: String,
    buffer_view: Index<gltf_json::buffer::View>,
    byte_offset: usize,
    data_view: I,
) -> gltf_json::Accessor
    I: IntoIterator<Item = [f32; COMPONENTS]>,
    I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
    let iter = data_view.into_iter();
    let count = u32size(iter.len());
    let [min, max] = accessor_minmax(iter);

    // Catch bug early rather than generating bad data
        count > 0,
        "glTF accessor {name} must have a size greater than 0"

    gltf_json::Accessor {
        buffer_view: Some(buffer_view),
        byte_offset: u32size(byte_offset),
        component_type: Valid(gltf_json::accessor::GenericComponentType(
        type_: Valid(match COMPONENTS {
            1 => gltf_json::accessor::Type::Scalar,
            2 => gltf_json::accessor::Type::Vec2,
            3 => gltf_json::accessor::Type::Vec3,
            4 => gltf_json::accessor::Type::Vec4,
            _ => panic!("Invalid component count"),
        name: Some(name),
        normalized: false,
        sparse: None,
        extensions: Default::default(),
        extras: Default::default(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use serde_json::json;

    fn lef32_zero() {
        assert_eq!(Lef32::default(), bytemuck::Zeroable::zeroed());
        assert_eq!(Lef32::default(), Lef32::from(0.0));

    fn lef32_round_trip() {
        assert_eq!(1234.56_f32, f32::from(Lef32::from(1234.56_f32)));

    fn minmax() {
            accessor_minmax([[1., 1., -10., -10.,], [2., 0.5, -11., 0.]].into_iter()),
                Some(json!([1., 0.5, -11., -10.])),
                Some(json!([2., 1., -10., 0.]))