all-is-cubes-port 0.5.0

Data import/export for the all-is-cubes engine.
//! Helper for writing glTF buffer data, either to disk or to memory for testing.

use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::mem::size_of;
use std::path::PathBuf;

use gltf_json::Index;

use super::glue::{create_accessor, push_and_return_index, u32size, Lef32};

/// Designates the location where glTF buffer data (meshes, textures) should be written
/// (either to disk files or inline in the glTF JSON).
/// TODO: Add support for `.glb` combined files.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct GltfDataDestination {
    /// If true, all data is unconditionally discarded. For testing only.
    discard: bool,

    /// Buffers whose byte length is less than or equal to this will be inlined as `data:` URLs.
    maximum_inline_length: usize,

    /// Path (possibly with extension which will be stripped) to use as a base name for data files
    /// beside the glTF file.
    /// If this is `None` and `maximum_inline_length` does not permit inlining, an error will be
    /// reported on any attempt to write a buffer.
    file_base_path: Option<PathBuf>,

impl GltfDataDestination {
    pub const fn null() -> GltfDataDestination {
        Self {
            discard: true,
            maximum_inline_length: 0,
            file_base_path: None,

    /// `maximum_inline_length` is the maximum length of data which will be stored inline in the
    /// glTF file as a `data:` URL rather than separately.
    /// `file_base_path` is the file path (optionally with extension which will be stripped) to use as a
    /// base name for data files beside the glTF file. For example, if `file_base_path` is
    /// `foo/bar.gltf`, then buffer files will be written to paths like `foo/bar-buffername.glbin`.
    /// If it is `None`, then buffers may not exceed `maximum_inline_length`.
    pub fn new(file_base_path: Option<PathBuf>, maximum_inline_length: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            discard: false,

    /// Call the given function with a destination for buffer data,
    /// then return the (possibly relative) URL to it which should be embedded in the glTF data.
    /// The [`io::Write`] implementation provided to `contents_fn` will be buffered.
    /// The outcome is not specified if its IO errors are ignored rather than propagated.
    /// Returns `Err` on IO errors or if the file path constructed using `suffix` is not UTF-8.
    /// TODO: Add context (filename) to the IO error
    pub fn write<F>(
        buffer_entity_name: String,
        file_suffix: &str,
        contents_fn: F,
    ) -> io::Result<gltf_json::Buffer>
        F: FnOnce(&mut dyn io::Write) -> io::Result<()>,
        // Refuse characters which could change the interpretation of the path.
            !file_suffix.contains(['/', '\0', '%']),
            "Invalid character in buffer file name {file_suffix:?}"

        let mut implementation = if self.discard {
            SwitchingWriter::Null { bytes_written: 0 }
        } else if let Some(file_base_path) = &self.file_base_path {
            // Construct the file name (which is also the _relative_ path from gltf to data file).
            let mut buffer_file_name: OsString = file_base_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_owned();

            // Construct the relative URL the glTF file will contain.
            // TODO: this path needs URL-encoding (excepting slashes)
            let relative_url = buffer_file_name
                .ok_or_else(|| {
                            "glTF file path must be valid UTF-8, but “{}” was not",

            // Construct the absolute path which we are going to write to.
            let mut buffer_file_path = file_base_path.clone();

            SwitchingWriter::Memory {
                buffer: Vec::new(),
                limit: self.maximum_inline_length,
                path: Some(buffer_file_path),
                future_file_uri: Some(relative_url),
        } else {
            SwitchingWriter::Memory {
                buffer: Vec::new(),
                limit: self.maximum_inline_length,
                path: None,
                future_file_uri: None,

        // Write data to file
        contents_fn(&mut implementation)?;
        let (uri, byte_length) = implementation.close()?;

        Ok(gltf_json::Buffer {
            byte_length: u32size(byte_length),
            name: Some(buffer_entity_name),
            extensions: Default::default(),
            extras: Default::default(),

/// An implementation of [`io::Write`] which can dynamically switch from
/// an in-memory buffer to a file based on the length, and in any case
/// remembers the length written and encodes the final URI of the data.
/// Does not guarantee the length is correct if write() is called after
/// an IO error was previously returned.
enum SwitchingWriter {
    Null {
        bytes_written: usize,
    Memory {
        buffer: Vec<u8>,
        limit: usize,
        future_file_uri: Option<String>,
        path: Option<PathBuf>,
    File {
        file: io::BufWriter<File>,
        bytes_written: usize,
        file_uri: Option<String>,

impl SwitchingWriter {
    /// Close the file (if any) and return the uri and the bytes written.
    fn close(self) -> io::Result<(Option<String>, usize)> {
        match self {
            SwitchingWriter::Null { bytes_written } => Ok((None, bytes_written)),
            SwitchingWriter::Memory { buffer, .. } => {
                let prefix = "data:application/gltf-buffer;base64,";
                let mut url = String::with_capacity(prefix.len() + buffer.len() * 6 / 8 + 3);
                url += prefix;
                // Note: The so-called “URL_SAFE” character set is *not* the correct
                // format for data URLs; standard base64 is correct. The URL safety
                // in question is for e.g. base64 components within ordinary URLs or
                // file names.
                base64::encode_config_buf(&buffer, base64::STANDARD_NO_PAD, &mut url);
                Ok((Some(url), buffer.len()))
            SwitchingWriter::File {
            } => {
                let file = file.into_inner()?;
                // clippy false positive when this code is compiled for wasm -- TODO: remove the file support when compiling for wasm
                Ok((file_uri, bytes_written))

impl io::Write for SwitchingWriter {
    fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        match *self {
            SwitchingWriter::Null {
                ref mut bytes_written,
            } => {
                *bytes_written += bytes.len();
            SwitchingWriter::Memory {
                ref mut buffer,
                ref path,
                ref future_file_uri,
            } => {
                let n = buffer.write(bytes)?;
                if buffer.len() > limit {
                    let path = path.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                            format!("no destination was provided for glTF buffers > {limit} bytes"),
                    // TODO: refuse to overwrite existing files unless we are also overwriting a corresponding .gltf
                    let file = File::create(path)?;
                    let mut new_writer = SwitchingWriter::File {
                        file: io::BufWriter::new(file),
                        bytes_written: 0,
                        file_uri: future_file_uri.clone(),
                    *self = new_writer;
            SwitchingWriter::File {
                ref mut file,
                ref mut bytes_written,
                file_uri: _,
            } => {
                let n = file.write(bytes)?;
                *bytes_written += n;

    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        match self {
            SwitchingWriter::Null { .. } => Ok(()),
            SwitchingWriter::Memory { .. } => Ok(()),
            SwitchingWriter::File { file, .. } => file.flush(),

/// Create a buffer from the given data, and return an accessor to it.
/// The `data_source` iterator should be cheap to clone,
/// as it will be consulted multiple times.
/// This function only creates non-interleaved and non-concatenated buffers,
/// and does not set the `target`, so it is not suitable for vertices.
pub(crate) fn create_buffer_and_accessor<I, const COMPONENTS: usize>(
    root: &mut gltf_json::Root,
    dest: &mut GltfDataDestination,
    name: String,
    file_suffix: &str,
    data_source: I,
) -> io::Result<Index<gltf_json::Accessor>>
    I: IntoIterator<Item = [f32; COMPONENTS]> + Clone,
    I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
    [Lef32; COMPONENTS]: bytemuck::Pod,
    let length = data_source.clone().into_iter().len();
    let buffer = dest.write(name.clone(), file_suffix, |w| {
        for item in data_source.clone() {
    let buffer_index = push_and_return_index(&mut root.buffers, buffer);

    let buffer_view = push_and_return_index(
        &mut root.buffer_views,
        gltf_json::buffer::View {
            buffer: buffer_index,
            byte_length: u32size(length * size_of::<[Lef32; COMPONENTS]>()),
            byte_offset: None,
            byte_stride: None,
            name: Some(name.clone()),
            target: None,
            extensions: Default::default(),
            extras: Default::default(),

    let accessor_index = push_and_return_index(
        &mut root.accessors,
        create_accessor(name, buffer_view, 0, data_source),


mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn discard() {
        let d = GltfDataDestination::null();
        let buffer_entity = d
            .write("foo".into(), "bar", |w| w.write_all(&[1, 2, 3]))
        assert_eq!(, Some("foo".into()));
        assert_eq!(buffer_entity.uri, None);
        assert_eq!(buffer_entity.byte_length, 3);

    fn inline_only_success() {
        let d = GltfDataDestination::new(None, usize::MAX);
        let buffer_entity = d
            .write("foo".into(), "bar", |w| w.write_all(&[1, 2, 255]))
        assert_eq!(, Some("foo".into()));
            Some("data:application/gltf-buffer;base64,AQL/") // AQL/ = 000000 010000 001011 111111
        assert_eq!(buffer_entity.byte_length, 3);

    fn inline_only_failure() {
        let d = GltfDataDestination::new(None, 1);
        let error = d
            .write("foo".into(), "bar", |w| w.write_all(&[1, 2, 255]))
            "no destination was provided for glTF buffers > 1 bytes"

    fn switch_to_file() {
        let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        let mut file_base_path = temp_dir.path().to_owned();

        println!("Base path: {}", file_base_path.display());

        let d = GltfDataDestination::new(Some(file_base_path), 3);
        let buffer_entity = d
            .write("foo".into(), "bar", |w| {
                w.write_all(&[1, 2, 3])?;
                w.write_all(&[4, 5, 6])?;
        assert_eq!(, Some("foo".into()));
        // Note that the URL is relative, not including the temp dir.
        assert_eq!(buffer_entity.uri.as_deref(), Some("basepath-bar.glbin"));
        assert_eq!(buffer_entity.byte_length, 6);