algorithms-edu 0.2.7

Algorithms for pedagogical demonstration

- [graph]#graph
- [DFS]#dfs
- [BFS]#bfs
- [bipartite]#bipartite

## graph

- [797. All Paths From Source to Target]info["url"] (Difficulty: 2)
- [886. Possible Bipartition]info["url"] (Difficulty: 3)
- [997. Find the Town Judge]info["url"] (Difficulty: 2)
- [1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors]info["url"] (Difficulty: 4)
- [1557. Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes]info["url"] (Difficulty: 2)

## DFS

- [797. All Paths From Source to Target]info["url"] (Difficulty: 2)

## BFS

- [886. Possible Bipartition]info["url"] (Difficulty: 3)
- [1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors]info["url"] (Difficulty: 4)

## bipartite

- [886. Possible Bipartition]info["url"] (Difficulty: 3)
- [1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors]info["url"] (Difficulty: 4)