algorithms-edu 0.2.0

Algorithms for pedagogical demonstration
# Rusty Algorithms and Data Structures

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This repository presents Rust implementation of common algorithms and data structures, most of which are based on William Fiset's Java implementation: . I highly recommend [his YouTube channel](, where he explains many of these algorithms in detail using illustrations, animations and pseudocode.

In addition to implementing W. Fiset's algorithms, I also add original content that might be helpful, such as solutions of classical puzzles e.g. N-Queens and Sudoku.

## Usage

The implementation details are explained in comments and docs and the example usage is implied in unit tests. To run tests:

cargo test

These algorithms and data structures are not designed for production usage, but might be directly applicable in competitve programming.

## Recommended Environment

- Editor: Visual Studio Code
  - Extension: [rust-analyzer]

This simple setup provides most features a decent IDE would provide (importantly, jump to definition and type labelling)

<!-- ## Rusticity

This is not a verbatim translation of W. Fiset's Java implementation. Instead, I try to make the code idiomatic in Rust, according to these rules:

### Avoid Long Names Using `mod`s

For example, perfer




### Custom Data Structures Have Unsurprising Method Names and Behaviour

Follow the conventions of `std` types as much as possible.

For example, when implementing a `Queue`, prefer

pub fn push_back(&mut self, value: T);
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<T>;


pub fn enqueue(&mut self, value: T);
pub fn dequeue(&mut self) -> T;
// or
pub fn offer(&mut self, value: T);
pub fn poll(&mut self) -> T;

### Use `Option<T>` to Represent Nullable Values

Genrerally, `Option::None` is an idiomatic representation of `null`.  This makes the code work better with the standard library and cause less surprises. -->