algorithmia-entrypoint 0.1.0

Macro for generating Algorithmia entrypoint code
algorithmia-entrypoint-0.1.0 doesn't have any documentation.

Generate entrypoint for a rust algorithm

Annotate a free function or the impl block of a type with #[entrypoint] to generate the required EntryPoint/DecodedEntryPoint implementations.

Getting started

To set a simple apply function as the algorithm entrypoint, just annotate the method with #[entrypoint]:

extern crate algorithmia;
use algorithmia::prelude::*;

fn apply(name: String) -> Result<String, String> {

Note: feature(proc_macro) and a nightly compiler are necessary until proc_macro_attribute stabilizes (likely many months away still).

Automatic JSON serialization/deserialization

To use your own custom types as input and output, simply implement Deserialize and Serialize respectively.

struct Input { titles: Vec<String>, max: u32 }

struct Output { titles: Vec<String> }

fn start(input: Input) -> Result<Output, String> {

Note: this currently depends on specialization to serialize unboxed output.

Preloading (Advanced Usage)

If your algorithm has a preload step that doesn't vary with user input (e.g. loading a model), you can create a type that implements Default, and use a method on that type as your entrypoint (the #[entrypoint] annotation goes on the impl of your type. Multiple API calls in succession from a single user will only instantiate the type once, but call apply multiple times:

struct Input { titles: Vec<String>, max: u32 }

struct Output { titles: Vec<String> }

struct App { model: Vec<u8> }

impl App {
    fn apply(input: Input) -> Result<Output, String> {

impl Default for App {
    fn default() -> Self {
        App { model: load_model() }

Input/Output types:

Valid input:

  • String types (e.g. &str and String
  • Byte types (e.g. &[u8] and Vec<u8>
  • Json &Value type
  • AlgoIo enum type (for matching on text, json, and binary input)
  • Any type that implements serde::Deserialize (e.g. #[derive(Deserialize)]

Valid output (Ok variant of return value):

  • String, Vec<u8>, Value, AlgoIo
  • Any type that implements serde::Serialize (e.g. #[derive(Serialize)]

Valid error types (Err variant of return value): Anything with an conversion to Box<Error>. This includes String and basically any type that implements the Error trait.

Future work:

  • Allow specifying apply and default methods in advanced cases
  • Better errors
    • Can't attach entrypoint to struct Algo
    • Assertions and guidance on valid return types
  • Add tests