Crate to map airport IATA code to timezone
use airports::Airports;
fn main() {
let db = Airports::new();
println!("lhr: {:?}", db.get_tz_name("lhr"));
println!("LHR: {:?}", db.get_tz_name("LHR"));
println!("SOMETHING: {:?}", db.get_tz_name("SOMETHING"));
Prints out
lhr: Some("Europe/London")
LHR: Some("Europe/London")
It is also possible to directly map the IATA code to IANA time zone and get chrono_tz Tz wrapped in an option for convinience.
use airports::Airports;
use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone, Utc};
use chrono_tz::Tz;
fn main() {
let db = Airports::new();
println!("SFO timezone: {:?}", db.get_tz_name("sfo").unwrap());
match db.get_tz("SFO") {
Some(t) => {
let x: DateTime<Tz> = Utc::now().with_timezone(&t);
println!("Current time in SFO: {}", x);
None => println!("Not found!"),
SFO timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"
Current time in SFO: 2022-06-28 08:31:43.613397 PDT