aether_primitives 0.1.0

Helpers for common SDR and signal generation operations
extern crate num_complex;

/// Shorthand for Complex<f32>
/// Default sample type
/// This type is repr(C), thus 2 f32s back-to-back equivalent to [f32;2]
pub type cf32 = num_complex::Complex32;

/// Error Vector Magnitude assertion
/// Checks each element and panics if an element in the ```actual```
/// EVM = 10 log (P_error/P_ref) => Error vector in relation to the actually expected signal in dB.
/// The error vector is defined as the vector between the reference symbol and the actually received signal.
/// We achieve this by computing the norm of (actual-ref)
/// If no EVM threshold is provided -80dB = 1e-8 = 10nano is used
macro_rules! assert_evm {

    ($actual:expr, $ref:expr) => {

    ($actual:expr, $ref:expr, $evm_limit_db:expr) => {
        assert_eq!($actual.len(),$ref.len(), "Input slices/vectors must be same length");
        for (idx, (act, re)) in $actual.iter().zip($ref).enumerate() {
            let evm = (act - re).norm();
            let limit = re.norm() * ($evm_limit_db / 10f32).powi(10);

            if evm > limit {
                let evm_db = evm.log10()*10f32;
                    "EVM limit exceeded: Got {}({}dB) > limit {}({}dB) for element {}. Actual {}, Expected {}",
                    evm,evm_db,limit, $evm_limit_db, idx, act, re

macro_rules! vec_align {
    [$init:expr; $len:expr] => {

/// Neat operations on vectors and slices
pub mod vecops;

/// Fourier Transform-related
pub mod fft;

/// Resampling (up/down), Interpolation
pub mod sampling;

/// Pseudo-Random Sequence Generation
pub mod sequence;

mod test {
    use super::cf32;

    fn evm_correct() {
        let refr = vec![
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
        let act = vec![
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(0.9f32, 0f32),
        // error should be <= 0.1
        assert_evm!(act, refr, (-10.0));

    fn evm_fail() {
        let refr = vec![
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
        let act = vec![
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(1f32, 0f32),
            cf32::new(0.9f32, 0f32),
        // error should be <= 0.0
        assert_evm!(act, refr, (0.0));

    fn vec_align() {
        let _v = vec_align![cf32::default(); 2048];
