advent-of-code 2019.12.276

Solutions to Advent of Code
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# Advent of Code solutions
Solutions to [Advent of Code]( problems in Rust.

## Running locally
The command line tool takes `<year> <day> <part>` as arguments and reads the problem input from stdin:

$ echo 14 | cargo run -q 2019 1 1

## Published crate
This crate is published to [](

As a library it exposes a `solve(year, day, part, input)` function as documented on [](

// Using the dependency added: advent-of-code = "*":
use advent_of_code::solve;

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(solve(2019, 1, 1, "14"), Ok("2".to_string()));

It also contains the command line program to run the solution:

$ cargo install advent-of-code
$ echo 14 | advent-of-code 2019 1 1

## Docker image on Docker Hub
The command line interface is published to a [fredrikfornwall/advent-of-code]( Docker image:

$ docker pull fredrikfornwall/advent-of-code:latest
$ echo 14 | docker run -i fredrikfornwall/advent-of-code:latest 2019 1 1

## Generating flamegraphs on macOS
Install [flamegraph]( with `cargo install flamegraph` and build a benchmark binary with:

RUSTFLAGS='-g' cargo build --release --bench benchmark

This will create a benchmark binary under something like `ls ../../target/release/deps/benchmark-31ba773f80f7f5d8`. Then profile and generate a `flamegraph.svg` by running

sudo flamegraph ../../target/release/deps/benchmark-31ba773f80f7f5d8  --bench 2020_07_1