adblock 0.8.8

Native Rust module for Adblock Plus syntax (e.g. EasyList, EasyPrivacy) filter parsing and matching.
//! Compiled regexes can take up large amounts of memory. To reduce the overal memory footprint of
//! the [`crate::Engine`], infrequently used regexes can be discarded. The [`RegexManager`] is
//! responsible for managing the storage of regexes used by filters.

use crate::filters::network::{compile_regex, CompiledRegex, NetworkFilter};

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
use mock_instant::Instant;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
use std::time::Instant;

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Instant;
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
impl Instant {
    pub fn now() -> Self {

/// `*const NetworkFilter` could technically leak across threads through `RegexDebugEntry::id`, but
/// it's disguised as a unique identifier and not intended to be dereferenced.
unsafe impl Send for RegexManager {}

const DEFAULT_CLEAN_UP_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
const DEFAULT_DISCARD_UNUSED_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(180);

/// Reports [`RegexManager`] metrics that may be useful for creating an optimized
/// [`RegexManagerDiscardPolicy`].
#[cfg(feature = "regex-debug-info")]
pub struct RegexDebugInfo {
    /// Information about each regex contained in the [`RegexManager`].
    pub regex_data: Vec<RegexDebugEntry>,
    /// Total count of compiled regexes.
    pub compiled_regex_count: usize,

/// Describes metrics about a single regex from the [`RegexManager`].
#[cfg(feature = "regex-debug-info")]
pub struct RegexDebugEntry {
    /// Id for this particular regex, which is constant and unique for its lifetime.
    /// Note that there are no guarantees about a particular id's constancy or uniqueness beyond
    /// the lifetime of a corresponding regex.
    pub id: u64,
    /// A string representation of this regex, if available. It may be `None` if the regex has been
    /// cleaned up to conserve memory.
    pub regex: Option<String>,
    /// When this regex was last used.
    pub last_used: Instant,
    /// How many times this regex has been used.
    pub usage_count: usize,

struct RegexEntry {
    regex: Option<CompiledRegex>,
    last_used: Instant,
    usage_count: usize,

/// Used for customization of regex discarding behavior in the [`RegexManager`].
pub struct RegexManagerDiscardPolicy {
    /// The [`RegexManager`] will check for and cleanup unused filters on this interval.
    pub cleanup_interval: Duration,
    /// The [`RegexManager`] will discard a regex if it hasn't been used for this much time.
    pub discard_unused_time: Duration,

impl Default for RegexManagerDiscardPolicy {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            cleanup_interval: DEFAULT_CLEAN_UP_INTERVAL,
            discard_unused_time: DEFAULT_DISCARD_UNUSED_TIME,

type RandomState = std::hash::BuildHasherDefault<seahash::SeaHasher>;

/// A manager that creates and stores all regular expressions used by filters.
/// Rarely used entries are discarded to save memory.
/// The [`RegexManager`] is not thread safe, so any access to it must be synchronized externally.
pub struct RegexManager {
    map: HashMap<*const NetworkFilter, RegexEntry, RandomState>,
    compiled_regex_count: usize,
    now: Instant,
    #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", allow(unused))]
    last_cleanup: Instant,
    discard_policy: RegexManagerDiscardPolicy,

impl Default for RegexManager {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            map: Default::default(),
            compiled_regex_count: 0,
            now: Instant::now(),
            last_cleanup: Instant::now(),
            discard_policy: Default::default(),

fn make_regexp(filter: &NetworkFilter) -> CompiledRegex {

impl RegexManager {
    /// Check whether or not a regex network filter matches a certain URL pattern, using the
    /// [`RegexManager`]'s managed regex storage.
    pub fn matches(&mut self, filter: &NetworkFilter, pattern: &str) -> bool {
        if !filter.is_regex() && !filter.is_complete_regex() {
            return true;
        let key = filter as *const NetworkFilter;
        use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
        match {
            Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
                let v = e.get_mut();
                v.usage_count += 1;
                v.last_used =;
                if v.regex.is_none() {
                    // A discarded entry, recreate it:
                    v.regex = Some(make_regexp(filter));
                    self.compiled_regex_count += 1;
                return v.regex.as_ref().unwrap().is_match(pattern);
            Entry::Vacant(e) => {
                self.compiled_regex_count += 1;
                let new_entry = RegexEntry {
                    regex: Some(make_regexp(filter)),
                    usage_count: 1,
                return e

    /// The [`RegexManager`] is just a struct and doesn't manage any worker threads, so this method
    /// must be called periodically to ensure that it can track usage patterns of regexes over
    /// time. This method will handle periodically discarding filters if necessary.
    #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
    pub fn update_time(&mut self) { = Instant::now();
        if !self.discard_policy.cleanup_interval.is_zero()
            && - self.last_cleanup >= self.discard_policy.cleanup_interval
            self.last_cleanup =;

    #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
    pub(crate) fn cleanup(&mut self) {
        let now =;
        for v in {
            if now - v.last_used >= self.discard_policy.discard_unused_time {
                // Discard the regex to save memory.
                v.regex = None;

    /// Customize the discard behavior of this [`RegexManager`].
    pub fn set_discard_policy(&mut self, new_discard_policy: RegexManagerDiscardPolicy) {
        self.discard_policy = new_discard_policy;

    /// Discard one regex, identified by its id from a [`RegexDebugEntry`].
    #[cfg(feature = "regex-debug-info")]
    pub fn discard_regex(&mut self, regex_id: u64) {
            .filter(|(k, _)| **k as u64 == regex_id)
            .for_each(|(_, v)| {
                v.regex = None;

    #[cfg(feature = "regex-debug-info")]
    pub(crate) fn get_debug_regex_data(&self) -> Vec<RegexDebugEntry> {
        use itertools::Itertools;
            .map(|(k, e)| RegexDebugEntry {
                id: *k as u64,
                regex: e.regex.as_ref().map(|x| x.to_string()),
                last_used: e.last_used,
                usage_count: e.usage_count,

    #[cfg(feature = "regex-debug-info")]
    pub(crate) fn get_compiled_regex_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Collect metrics that may be useful for creating an optimized [`RegexManagerDiscardPolicy`].
    #[cfg(feature = "regex-debug-info")]
    pub fn get_debug_info(&self) -> RegexDebugInfo {
        RegexDebugInfo {
            regex_data: self.get_debug_regex_data(),
            compiled_regex_count: self.get_compiled_regex_count(),

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "regex-debug-info"))]
mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use crate::filters::network::NetworkMatchable;
    use crate::request;

    use mock_instant::MockClock;

    fn make_filter(line: &str) -> NetworkFilter {
        NetworkFilter::parse(line, true, Default::default()).unwrap()

    fn make_request(url: &str) -> request::Request {
        request::Request::new(url, "", "other").unwrap()

    fn get_active_regex_count(regex_manager: &RegexManager) -> usize {
            .filter(|x| x.regex.is_some())

    fn simple_match() {
        let mut regex_manager = RegexManager::default();

        let filter = make_filter("||geo*^");
        assert!(filter.matches(&make_request(""), &mut regex_manager));
        assert_eq!(get_active_regex_count(&regex_manager), 1);
        assert_eq!(regex_manager.get_debug_regex_data().len(), 1);

    fn discard_and_recreate() {
        let mut regex_manager = RegexManager::default();

        let filter = make_filter("||geo*^");
        assert!(filter.matches(&make_request(""), &mut regex_manager));
        assert_eq!(regex_manager.get_compiled_regex_count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(get_active_regex_count(&regex_manager), 1);

        MockClock::advance(DEFAULT_DISCARD_UNUSED_TIME - Duration::from_secs(1));
        // The entry shouldn't be discarded because was used during
        assert_eq!(get_active_regex_count(&regex_manager), 1);

        // The entry is entry is outdated, but should be discarded only
        // in the next cleanup() call. The call was 2 sec ago and is throttled
        // now.
        MockClock::advance(DEFAULT_CLEAN_UP_INTERVAL - Duration::from_secs(1));
        assert_eq!(get_active_regex_count(&regex_manager), 1);

        // The entry is now outdated & cleanup() should be called => discard.
        assert_eq!(get_active_regex_count(&regex_manager), 0);

        // The entry is recreated, get_compiled_regex_count() increased +1.
        assert!(filter.matches(&make_request(""), &mut regex_manager));
        assert_eq!(regex_manager.get_compiled_regex_count(), 2);
        assert_eq!(get_active_regex_count(&regex_manager), 1);