acme-types 0.1.1

Types for implementing ACME (RFC 8555) providers and clients

This crate defines types for implementing ACME (RFC 8555) providers and clients.

  • This crate does not include any HTTP library or provide any functionality (beyond support for de/serialization, as documented below) for interacting with an ACME client or provider, e.g. a server or client
  • This crate does not provide any of the cryptographic functions necessary for implementing an ACME provider or client
use acme_types::v2 as ACME;

let resp = reqwest::get("")

let directory = ACME::Directory::from_str(&resp).unwrap();

println!("{:#?}", directory);

>>> Directory {
>>>     new_nonce: "",
>>>     new_account: "",
>>>     new_order: "",
>>>     new_authorization: None,
>>>     revoke_certificate: "",
>>>     key_change: "",
>>>     metadata: Some(
>>>         DirectoryMetadata {
>>>             terms_of_service: Some(
>>>                 "",
>>>             ),
>>>             website: Some(
>>>                 "",
>>>             ),
>>>             caa_identities: Some(
>>>                 [
>>>                     "",
>>>                 ],
>>>             ),
>>>             external_account_required: None,
>>>         },
>>>     ),
>>> }

Crate Features

JSON De/serialization (json)

Serialization and deserialization to and from JSON is supported using the serde (and serde_json) crate(s). This integration is optional (feature json):

acme-types = { version = "*", features = ["json"] }

When this feature is enabled, from_str and to_string are implemented on top-level ACME objects and resources.