acme-dns-rust 1.1.5

Acme DNS implementation written in Rust
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# Acme DNS Rust
### WIP!

This is an implementation based on the awesome Go Project [Acme DNS]( written by @joohoi.
It aims to be API compatible with the original implementation.

## Configuration
By default a configuration file is expected in the working directory with the name config.toml .

**Example config:**
dns = ""
db = "postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost/postgres"
acme = ""
name = ""

A = [100, "", ""]
TXT = [100, "First", "Record"]

TXT = [100, "Hallo", "World"]
CNAME = [100, ""]

http = ""
# Adding a true after the addr activates proxy protocol for a listener
https = ["", true]
#Every listener is optional this line could be removed completely
prom = ""

It is possible to pass a diferent path as the first argument to the executable.
./acme-dns-rust different_name.toml

### Records configuration
Acme DNS supports serving static DNS Records.

Currently supported records are:
* A

CName records get resolved by the default OS DNS configuration.
For obvious reasons CNAME records don't support multiple values, unlike TXT and A records.