acceptxmr 0.11.1

Accept monero in your application.
//! # `AcceptXMR`: Accept Monero in Your Application
//! This library aims to provide a simple, reliable, and efficient means to track monero payments.
//! To track payments, the [`PaymentGateway`] generates subaddresses using your private view key and
//! primary address. It then watches for monero sent to that subaddress using a monero daemon of
//! your choosing, your private view key and your primary address.
//! Use this library at your own risk, it is young and unproven.
//! ## Key Features
//! * View pair only, no hot wallet.
//! * Subaddress based.
//! * Pending invoices are stored persistently, enabling recovery from power loss.
//! * Number of confirmations is configurable per-invoice.
//! * Ignores transactions with non-zero timelocks.
//! * Payment can occur over multiple transactions.
//! ## Security
//! `AcceptXMR` is non-custodial, and does not require a hot wallet. However, it does require your
//! private view key and primary address for scanning outputs. If keeping these private is important
//! to you, please take appropriate precautions to secure the platform you run your application on
//! _and keep your private view key out of your git repository!_.
//! Also note that anonymity networks like TOR are not currently supported for RPC calls. This
//! means that your network traffic will reveal that you are interacting with the monero network.
//! ## Reliability
//! This library strives for reliability, but that attempt may not be successful. `AcceptXMR` is
//! young and unproven, and relies on several crates which are undergoing rapid changes themselves
//! (for example, the database used ([Sled](sled)) is still in beta).
//! That said, this payment gateway should survive unexpected power loss thanks to pending invoices
//! being flushed to disk each time new blocks/transactions are scanned. A best effort is made to
//! keep the scanning thread free any of potential panics, and RPC calls in the scanning thread are
//! logged on failure and repeated next scan. In the event that an error does occur, the liberal use
//! of logging within this library will hopefully facilitate a speedy diagnosis an correction.
//! Use this library at your own risk.
//! ## Performance
//! It is strongly recommended that you host your own monero daemon on the same local network.
//! Network and daemon slowness are the primary cause of high invoice update latency in the majority
//! of use cases.
//! To reduce the average latency before receiving invoice updates, you may also consider lowering
//! the [`PaymentGateway`]'s `scan_interval` below the default of 1 second:
//! ```
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! # use tempfile::Builder;
//! use acceptxmr::PaymentGateway;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! # let temp_dir = Builder::new()
//! #   .prefix("temp_db_")
//! #   .rand_bytes(16)
//! #   .tempdir()?;
//! let private_view_key = "ad2093a5705b9f33e6f0f0c1bc1f5f639c756cdfc168c8f2ac6127ccbdab3a03";
//! let primary_address = "4613YiHLM6JMH4zejMB2zJY5TwQCxL8p65ufw8kBP5yxX9itmuGLqp1dS4tkVoTxjyH3aYhYNrtGHbQzJQP5bFus3KHVdmf";
//! let payment_gateway = PaymentGateway::builder(private_view_key.to_string(), primary_address.to_string())
//!     .scan_interval(Duration::from_millis(100)) // Scan for invoice updates every 100 ms.
//! #   .db_path(temp_dir.path().to_str().expect("Failed to get temporary directory path").to_string())
//!     .build()?;
//! #   Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! Please note that `scan_interval` is the minimum time between scanning for updates. If your
//! daemon's response time is already greater than your `scan_interval`, or if your CPU is unable to
//! scan new transactions fast enough, reducing your `scan_interval` will do nothing.


mod caching;
mod invoice;
mod invoices_db;
mod payment_gateway;
mod rpc;
mod scanner;
mod subscriber;

use thiserror::Error;

pub use invoice::{Invoice, InvoiceId, SubIndex};
use invoices_db::InvoiceStorageError;
pub use payment_gateway::{PaymentGateway, PaymentGatewayBuilder, PaymentGatewayStatus};
use rpc::RpcError;
pub use subscriber::{Subscriber, SubscriberError};

/// Library's custom error type.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum AcceptXmrError {
    /// An error originating from a daemon RPC call.
    #[error("RPC error: {0}")]
    Rpc(#[from] RpcError),
    /// An error storing/retrieving [`Invoice`](crate::Invoice)s.
    #[error("invoice storage error: {0}")]
    InvoiceStorage(#[from] InvoiceStorageError),
    /// [`Subscriber`](crate::Subscriber) failed to retrieve update.
    #[error("subscriber failed to receive update: {0}")]
    Subscriber(#[from] SubscriberError),
    /// Failure to unblind the amount of an owned output.
    #[error("unable to unblind amount of owned output sent to subaddress index {0}")]
    /// Failure to parse private view key.
    #[error("failed to parse {datatype} from \"{input}\": {error}")]
    Parse {
        /// Type to parse.
        datatype: &'static str,
        /// Input to parse.
        input: String,
        /// Error encountered.
        error: String,
    /// Failure to check if output is owned.
    #[error("failed to check if output is owned: {0}")]
    OwnedOutputCheck(#[from] monero::blockdata::transaction::Error),
    /// Scanning thread exited with error.
    #[error("scanning thread exited with error: {0}")]
    /// Scanning thread exited with panic.
    #[error("scanning thread exited with panic")]
    /// Payment gateway is already running.
    #[error("payment gateway is already running")]
    /// Payment gateway encountered an error while creating scanning thread.
    #[error("payment gateway encountered an error while creating scanning thread: {0}")]
    Threading(#[from] std::io::Error),
    /// Payment gateway could not be stopped because the stop signal was not sent.
    #[error("payment gateway could not be stopped because the stop signal was not sent: {0}")]