accept-language 1.0.1

Parse and compare Accept-Language header strings


A tiny library for parsing the Accept-Language header from browsers (as defined here)


accept-language is intended to be used by a webserver, probably to decide which languages to serve up to the user based on their preferred language and the languages your application supports.

At it's most basic, it looks like this

extern crate accept_language;

use accept_language::{intersection, parse};

let user_languages = parse("en-US, en-GB;q=0.5");
let common_languages = intersection("en-US, en-GB;q=0.5", vec!["en-US", "de", "en-GB"]);

For more info and to view the full documentation, check them out on


Contributions are always welcome! If you found a bug, please submit an issue. If you'd like to submit a patch or feature, feel free to submit a pull request. rustfmt should be used to have consistent code formatting throughout the project.

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