abserde 0.4.1

Simple platform-agnostic Rust crate for managing application settings/preferences.
//! Simple platform-agnostic Rust crate for managing application settings/preferences.
//! # Installation
//! Install the crate as a dependency in your app's Cargo.toml file:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! abserde = "0.4.1"
//! ```
//! # Usage
//! Import [Abserde], associated definitions, and [serde::Serialize], and [serde::Deserialize]:
//! ```no_run
//! use abserde::*;
//! use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! ```
//! Define a struct to store your app config.
//! You must derive your struct from [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] traits.
//! ```no_run
//! use std::collections::HashMap;
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #
//! #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! struct MyConfig {
//! 	window_width: usize,
//! 	window_height: usize,
//! 	window_x: usize,
//! 	window_y: usize,
//! 	theme: String,
//! 	user_data: HashMap<String, String>,
//! }
//! ```
//! Create an [Abserde] instance to manage how your configuration is stored on disk:
//! ```no_run
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #
//! # use abserde::*;
//! #
//! # #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! # struct MyConfig;
//! #
//! let my_abserde = Abserde::default();
//! ```
//! Using [Abserde] in this way will use your crate as the name for the app config directory.
//! Alternatively, you can also pass options to [Abserde] to change the location or format of your config file:
//! ```no_run
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #
//! # use abserde::*;
//! #
//! # #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! # struct MyConfig;
//! #
//! let my_abserde = Abserde {
//! 	app: "MyApp".to_string(),
//! 	location: Location::Auto,
//! 	format: Format::Json,
//! };
//! ```
//! Load data into config from disk:
//! ```no_run
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #
//! # use abserde::*;
//! #
//! # #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! # struct MyConfig;
//! #
//! # let my_abserde = Abserde {
//! # 	app: "MyApp".to_string(),
//! # 	location: Location::Auto,
//! # 	format: Format::Json,
//! # };
//! #
//! let my_config = MyConfig::load_config(&my_abserde)?;
//! #
//! # Ok::<(), Error>(())
//! ```
//! Save config data to disk:
//! ```no_run
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #
//! # use abserde::*;
//! #
//! # #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! # struct MyConfig;
//! #
//! # let my_abserde = Abserde {
//! # 	app: "MyApp".to_string(),
//! # 	location: Location::Auto,
//! # 	format: Format::Json,
//! # };
//! #
//! # let my_config = MyConfig::load_config(&my_abserde)?;
//! my_config.save_config(&my_abserde)?;
//! #
//! # Ok::<(), Error>(())
//! ```
//! Delete config file from disk:
//! ```no_run
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #
//! # use abserde::*;
//! #
//! # #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! # struct MyConfig;
//! #
//! # let my_abserde = Abserde {
//! # 	app: "MyApp".to_string(),
//! # 	location: Location::Auto,
//! # 	format: Format::Json,
//! # };
//! #
//! # let my_config = MyConfig::load_config(&my_abserde)?;
//! # my_config.save_config(&my_abserde)?;
//! #
//! my_abserde.delete()?;
//! # Ok::<(), Error>(())
//! ```


use std::env::var;
use std::fs::{create_dir_all, remove_dir, remove_file, File};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{error, io, result};

use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};

const MSG_NO_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR: &str = "no system config directory detected";

/// Alias for generic Error type.
pub type Error = Box<dyn error::Error>;

/// Alias for Result type wrapping generic Error type.
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;

/// Storage format for app config.
/// Each format is enabled as a feature. The json feature is included by default.
/// All other format features are disabled by default.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Default)]
pub enum Format {
	// Default will become the first supported in order of preference.

	/// JSON format using the serde_json crate.
	#[cfg(feature = "json")]

	/// YAML format using the serde_yaml crate.
	#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]

	/// Pickle (Python) format using the serde-pickle crate.
	#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]

	/// INI (Windows) format using the serde_ini crate.
	#[cfg(feature = "ini")]

	/// TOML format using the toml crate.
	#[cfg(feature = "toml")]

impl Format {
	/// Return default file name of config file for this format.
	pub fn default_name(&self) -> String {
		format!("config.{:?}", self).to_lowercase()

/// Represents the location of a config file.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Default)]
pub enum Location {
	/// Automatically determines location of config file based on platform/OS.

	/// Provides the full path to the config file.

	/// Automatically determines config directory, with file name specified manually.

	/// Automatically determines config file name, with directory specified manually.

/// Represents an Abserde app, specifying how app settings are to be managed.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct Abserde {
	/// App name under which app settings are typically to be stored.
	pub app: String,

	/// Location specification for where app settings are physically kept.
	pub location: Location,

	/// Format for app setting storage and serialisation.
	pub format: Format,

impl Abserde {
	fn config_path(&self) -> Result<PathBuf> {
		let system_config_dir = dirs::config_dir()
			.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, MSG_NO_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR))?;

		Ok(match &self.location {
			Location::Auto => system_config_dir
			Location::Path(path) => path.clone(),
			Location::Dir(dir) => dir.join(&self.format.default_name()),
			Location::File(file) => system_config_dir.join(&self.app).join(file),

	/// Delete settings file related to this app.
	pub fn delete(&self) -> Result<()> {
		let config_path = self.config_path()?;


		match &self.location {
			// Don't attempt to delete folder if manually specifying folder.
			Location::Dir(_) => {}
			// Attempt to delete parent folder if it is empty.
			_ => {
				let config_dir = config_path.parent().ok_or_else(|| {
					io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, MSG_NO_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR)

				// Ignore any errors here, as they are sometimes expected.
				_ = remove_dir(config_dir);


impl Default for Abserde {
	fn default() -> Self {
		Self {
			app: var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").unwrap_or_else(|_| env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME").to_string()),
			location: Default::default(),
			format: Default::default(),

/// Trait that apps can implement to store app settings.
/// Implementing types must also implement [serde::Serialize] and [serde::Deserialize] traits.
pub trait Config {
	/// Type of implementation.
	type T;

	/// Load a config from disk into the implementing type.
	fn load_config(abserde: &Abserde) -> Result<Self::T>;

	/// Save a config from the implementing type to disk.
	fn save_config(&self, abserde: &Abserde) -> Result<()>;

impl<T> Config for T
	T: Serialize,
	T: DeserializeOwned,
	type T = T;

	fn load_config(abserde: &Abserde) -> Result<Self::T> {
		let config_path = abserde.config_path()?;

		Ok(match abserde.format {
			#[cfg(feature = "json")]
			Format::Json => {
				let file = File::open(config_path)?;

			#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
			Format::Yaml => {
				let file = File::open(config_path)?;

			#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]
			Format::Pickle => {
				let file = File::open(config_path)?;

				serde_pickle::from_reader(io::BufReader::new(file), serde_pickle::DeOptions::new())?
			#[cfg(feature = "ini")]
			Format::Ini => {
				let file = File::open(config_path)?;

			#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
			Format::Toml => {
				use io::Read;

				let mut file = File::open(config_path)?;
				let mut buf = String::new();

				file.read_to_string(&mut buf)?;


	fn save_config(&self, abserde: &Abserde) -> Result<()> {
		let config_path = abserde.config_path()?;
		let config_dir = config_path
			.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, MSG_NO_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR))?;


		match abserde.format {
			#[cfg(feature = "json")]
			Format::Json => {
				serde_json::to_writer(File::create(&config_path)?, self)?;
			#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
			Format::Yaml => {
				serde_yaml::to_writer(File::create(&config_path)?, self)?;
			#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]
			Format::Pickle => {
					&mut File::create(&config_path)?,
			#[cfg(feature = "ini")]
			Format::Ini => {
				serde_ini::to_writer(File::create(&config_path)?, self)?;
			#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
			Format::Toml => {
				use io::Write;

				write!(File::create(&config_path)?, "{}", toml::to_string(self)?)?;


mod tests {
	use std::collections::HashMap;
	use std::fmt::Debug;

	use fake::{Dummy, Fake, Faker};
	use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
	use serial_test::serial;
	use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir};

	use crate::{Abserde, Config, Format, Location};

	const APP_NAME: &str = "rust_prefs_test";

	// Test config type for serialisation formats that only accept basic types.
	#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, Dummy, PartialEq)]
	struct TestConfigSimple {
		string_val: String,
		i8_val: i8,
		i16_val: i16,
		i32_val: i32,
		u8_val: u8,
		u16_val: u16,
		u32_val: u32,
		f32_val: f32,

	// More complex config type for serialisation formats that support advanced types.
	#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, Dummy, PartialEq)]
	struct TestConfigComplex {
		string_val: String,
		i8_val: i8,
		i16_val: i16,
		i32_val: i32,
		i64_val: i64,
		i128_val: i128,
		u8_val: u8,
		u16_val: u16,
		u32_val: u32,
		u64_val: u64,
		u128_val: u128,
		f32_val: f32,
		f64_val: f64,
		vec_1_val: Vec<i64>,
		vec_2_val: Vec<(String, i8, i8, i32, i64, String, String, String)>,
		vec_3_val: Vec<(f32, f32, f32, f64, f64)>,
		hash_map_1_val: HashMap<String, String>,
		hash_map_2_val: HashMap<i16, i64>,
		hash_map_3_val: HashMap<i16, Vec<(String, i32, u8, HashMap<String, i32>)>>,
		hash_map_4_val: HashMap<String, (f64, f32, i8)>,

	// Generic dispatch method.
	fn test_save_load_delete<T>(abserde: &Abserde)
		T: Serialize,
		T: DeserializeOwned,
		T: Dummy<Faker>,
		T: PartialEq,
		T: Debug,
		let test_config_saved: T = Faker.fake();


		let test_config_loaded = T::load_config(&abserde).unwrap();

		assert_eq!(test_config_saved, test_config_loaded);


	fn test_auto() {

	#[cfg(feature = "json")]
	fn test_json_auto() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Auto,
			format: Format::Json,

	#[cfg(feature = "json")]
	fn test_json_path() {
		let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Path(tmp_file.path().into()),
			format: Format::Json,

	#[cfg(feature = "json")]
	fn test_json_file() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::File("custom_file.json".into()),
			format: Format::Json,

	#[cfg(feature = "json")]
	fn test_json_dir() {
		let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Dir(tmp_dir.path().into()),
			format: Format::Json,

	#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
	fn test_yaml_auto() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Auto,
			format: Format::Yaml,

	#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
	fn test_yaml_path() {
		let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Path(tmp_file.path().into()),
			format: Format::Yaml,

	#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
	fn test_yaml_file() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::File("custom_file.yaml".into()),
			format: Format::Yaml,

	#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
	fn test_yaml_dir() {
		let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigComplex>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Dir(tmp_dir.path().into()),
			format: Format::Yaml,

	#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]
	fn test_pickle_auto() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Auto,
			format: Format::Pickle,

	#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]
	fn test_pickle_path() {
		let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Path(tmp_file.path().into()),
			format: Format::Pickle,

	#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]
	fn test_pickle_file() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::File("custom_file.pickle".into()),
			format: Format::Pickle,

	#[cfg(feature = "pickle")]
	fn test_pickle_dir() {
		let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Dir(tmp_dir.path().into()),
			format: Format::Pickle,

	#[cfg(feature = "ini")]
	fn test_ini_auto() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Auto,
			format: Format::Ini,

	#[cfg(feature = "ini")]
	fn test_ini_path() {
		let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Path(tmp_file.path().into()),
			format: Format::Ini,

	#[cfg(feature = "ini")]
	fn test_ini_file() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::File("custom_file.ini".into()),
			format: Format::Ini,

	#[cfg(feature = "ini")]
	fn test_ini_dir() {
		let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Dir(tmp_dir.path().into()),
			format: Format::Ini,

	#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
	fn test_toml_auto() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Auto,
			format: Format::Toml,

	#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
	fn test_toml_path() {
		let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Path(tmp_file.path().into()),
			format: Format::Toml,

	#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
	fn test_toml_file() {
		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::File("custom_file.toml".into()),
			format: Format::Toml,

	#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
	fn test_toml_dir() {
		let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();

		test_save_load_delete::<TestConfigSimple>(&Abserde {
			app: APP_NAME.to_string(),
			location: Location::Dir(tmp_dir.path().into()),
			format: Format::Toml,