a2 0.6.2

A native, asynchronous Apple push notification client
use argparse::{ArgumentParser, Store, StoreOption, StoreTrue};
use pretty_env_logger;
use std::fs::File;
use tokio;

use a2::{Client, Endpoint, NotificationBuilder, NotificationOptions, PlainNotificationBuilder};

// An example client connectiong to APNs with a JWT token
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {

    let mut key_file = String::new();
    let mut team_id = String::new();
    let mut key_id = String::new();
    let mut device_token = String::new();
    let mut message = String::from("Ch-check it out!");
    let mut sandbox = false;
    let mut topic: Option<String> = None;

        let mut ap = ArgumentParser::new();
        ap.set_description("APNs token-based push");
        ap.refer(&mut key_file)
            .add_option(&["-p", "--pkcs8"], Store, "Private key PKCS8");
        ap.refer(&mut team_id)
            .add_option(&["-t", "--team_id"], Store, "APNs team ID");
        ap.refer(&mut key_id)
            .add_option(&["-k", "--key_id"], Store, "APNs key ID");
        ap.refer(&mut device_token)
            .add_option(&["-d", "--device_token"], Store, "APNs device token");
        ap.refer(&mut message)
            .add_option(&["-m", "--message"], Store, "Notification message");
        ap.refer(&mut sandbox)
            .add_option(&["-s", "--sandbox"], StoreTrue, "Use the development APNs servers");
        ap.refer(&mut topic)
            .add_option(&["-o", "--topic"], StoreOption, "APNS topic");

    // Read the private key from disk
    let mut private_key = File::open(key_file).unwrap();

    // Which service to call, test or production?
    let endpoint = if sandbox {
    } else {

    // Connecting to APNs
    let client = Client::token(&mut private_key, key_id, team_id, endpoint).unwrap();

    let options = NotificationOptions {
        apns_topic: topic.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),

    // Notification payload
    let mut builder = PlainNotificationBuilder::new(message.as_ref());

    let payload = builder.build(device_token.as_ref(), options);
    let response = client.send(payload).await?;

    println!("Sent: {:?}", response);
