a11ywatch_cli 0.4.2

A11yWatch accessibility CLI.
a11ywatch_cli-0.4.2 is not a library.


The A11yWatch Command Line Interface. View the cli-docs for more complete info.


Get the CLI by running the command below.

# install via cargo
cargo install a11ywatch_cli
# install via npm
npm i a11ywatch-cli -g

Then run a11ywatch -h to get all options.

# build the instance first, this allows configuring architecture specifics like m1 chips.
a11ywatch build
# start the instance. If you need the front-end client passing the -f option [min of 1.25gb of memory required alloc to docker resource].
a11ywatch start
# scan a url and pipe the stdout to a file.
a11ywatch scan --url https://a11ywatch.com > results.json
# scan a website multi page and pipe the stdout to a file.
a11ywatch crawl --url https://a11ywatch.com > results.json
# scan a website multi page and include subdomains.
a11ywatch crawl --url https://a11ywatch.com -S > results.json
# scan a website multi page and include subdomains and all TLD extensions.
a11ywatch crawl --url https://a11ywatch.com -S -t > results.json
# if you need to upgrade the instance to new images run with the upgrade flag.
a11ywatch start --upgrade
# start the instance with the front-end on port 3270.
a11ywatch start -f

If you experience issues the cargo install a11ywatch_cli command, try running rustup update stable to make sure your cargo version is up to date.


Here are env vars that you can configure to enhance the system abilities. You can get your Computer Vision API key here. Grab your PageSpeed API key to speed up lighthouse parallel runs.

Example of a .env file below:


You can also use the CLI to configure your Computer Vision creditials.

# replace $mycv_token and $myvcvname with your project name and CV API url
a11ywatch --set-cv-token $mycv_token
a11ywatch --set-cv-url https://$myvcvname.cognitiveservices.azure.com/
a11ywatch_cli 0.3.1
j-mendez <jeff@a11ywatch.com>
A11yWatch accessibility CLI.

    a11ywatch [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -f, --find-results
            Log file results path

            Get the apps tmp directory location

    -g, --github-api-url
            Get github API endpoint of project

            Log file results github path

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -r, --results-parsed
            Get results file parsed to json

            Get the total amount of issues between errors,warning,notice that occured for the result

            Get the total amount of issues of type error from result set

            Get the total amount of issues of type warning from result set

            Get results of the github html message

    -s, --set-token <SET_TOKEN>
            Set the API token to use for request

        --set-cv-token <SET_CV_TOKEN>
            Set the Computer Vision API token to use for request

        --set-cv-url <SET_CV_URL>
            Set the Computer Vision API endpoint to use for request

    -V, --version
            Print version information

    build        Build the project on the local machine [defaults to docker runtime]
    crawl        Site wide scan a website url for issues
    deploy       Deploy the build on remote infrastructure [BETA - defaults: GCP]
    extract      Extract results in formats for platforms
    help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    scan         Single page scan a website url for issues
    start        Start the application on the local machine [defaults to docker runtime]
    stop         Stop the project on the local machine [defaults to docker runtime]
    terminate    Destroy the build on remote infrastructure [BETA - defaults: GCP]

Supported Architectures

Mac, linux, and Windows.


The following commands are currently in BETA and require you to have the repo locally tf-provider and set to your directory.

  1. deploy (TERRAFORM)
  2. destroy (TERRAFORM)

The scan sub command with the runner option and the remote deployment commands are a work in progress. You may experience issues with the sub commands, feel free to leave an issue when found. In general the CLI is in BETA and may contain breaking changes until v1.