a11ywatch_cli 0.0.5

A11yWatch CLI to build, deploy, and manage all things.
a11ywatch_cli-0.0.5 is not a library.


CLI tool to manage all things required.


build a11ywatch via docker on any machine. Get started by making sure you have Rust installed and running the command below. You can run the setup-terraform-unix.sh in the parent build folder to also bootstrap the required modules on your machine.

cargo install a11ywatch_cli


exact options comming soon and --deploy command WIP. At the moment after installing the cli, please clone the project and navigate to the folder to run the commands ( This will be removed soon ).

a11ywatch --build
a11ywatch --deploy
a11ywatch --run

Supported Architectures

Supported archs are amd64 and arm64.


The deployment infra is handled via terraform. The terraform code will be installed seperate outside of the crate. If you cloned the repo make sure to adjust the variables.tf file in the terraform folder with your GCP creds.