RustGLM 0.1.1

High-performance, Reliable ChatGLM SDK natural language processing in Rust-Lang

RustGLM for ChatGLM Rust SDK

High-performance, high-quality Experience and Reliable ChatGLM SDK natural language processing in Rust-Language

1. Prepare beginning

1.1 Install Rust-up excutable programme (πŸ‘‡ Here only display Windows and Android files)




if you are Linux user or MacOS user, please check here: Installation-User-Manual

After installation please use Command Line to Check Rust Version:

cargo -V


cargo --version

1.2 NTP Time Server for Rust

It provides highly accurate and secure time information via time servers on the Internet or LAN, and it is critical to ensure that all devices use the same time. The application here is for JWT authentication using:

pub fn time_sync() -> i64 {
    let client = SntpClient::new();
    let result = client.synchronize("").unwrap();

    let local_time: DateTime<Local> =

    let milliseconds = local_time.timestamp_millis() as i64;
    return milliseconds;

1.3 Store API Key

Saving Api key and store it in local file which call chatglm_api_key txt file:

const API_KEY_FILE: &str = "chatglm_api_key.txt";

    pub fn save_api_key(api_key: &str) {
        match File::create(API_KEY_FILE) {
            Ok(mut file) => {
                if let Err(e) = writeln!(file, "{}", api_key) {
                    eprintln!("Failed to write to file: {}", e);
            Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to create file: {}", e),

Load ChatGLM API key:

pub fn load_api_key() -> Option<String> {
        match File::open(API_KEY_FILE) {
            Ok(file) => {
                let reader = BufReader::new(file);
                reader.lines().next().map(|line| line.unwrap_or_default())
            Err(_) => None,

1.4 Save Chat Content file

User chats and AI replies will be stored in chatglm_history.txt.

const HISTORY_FILE: &str = "chatglm_history.json";

 pub fn add_history_to_file(&self, role: &str, content: &str) -> String {
        let json = self.create_json(role, content);

        if let Ok(mut file) = OpenOptions::new().write(true).append(true).open(&self.history_file_path) {
            if let Err(err) = writeln!(file, "{},", json) {
                eprintln!("Failed to write to history file: {}", err);
        } else {
            eprintln!("Failed to open history file for writing");


Load History Content from history file:

pub fn load_history_from_file(&self) -> String {
        if let Ok(file) = File::open(&self.history_file_path) {
            let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        } else {
            eprintln!("Failed to open history file for reading");

2. Easy-to-use SDK

2.1 Calling and Using the Rust Library

Using this rust project SDK is less difficult 🀩. The following three examples to let you enter your question and the console will output ChatGLM to answer it:

🚩Enter the keywords: If there are no other characters, it will switch the Calling mode

Type the following keywords to switch the Calling mode:

Number Full-Name KeyWords
1 Server-Sent Events SSE, sse
2 Asynchronous ASYNC, Async, async
3 Synchronous SYNC, Sync, sync

The example for adding main function to your own project:

//Default is SSE calling method

async fn main() {
    let mut rust_glm = RustGLM::RustGLM::new().await;
    loop {
        let ai_response = rust_glm.rust_chat_glm().await;
        if ai_response.is_empty() {
        println!("Liliya: {}", rust_glm.get_ai_response());

Overall down, the introduction of this project three ways to request should still be relatively simple, the current BUG will try to fix πŸ₯³, but also hope that all the developer of the support of this project! Thanks again πŸŽ‰!


Thank you for opening my project, this is a self-developed RustGLM development project, in order to expand different code language calling for the official SDK requirments. I am also working hard to develop and update this project, of course, I personally will continue to develop this project, I also adhere to the principle of open source more, so that everyone can enjoy my project. Finally, I hope more and more people will participate together πŸš€ Thank you for seeing the end! πŸ˜†πŸ‘