Boa 0.11.0

Boa is a Javascript lexer, parser and Just-in-Time compiler written in Rust. Currently, it has support for some of the language.
//! Traits and structs for implementing native classes.
//! Native classes are implemented through the [`Class`][class-trait] trait.
//! ```
//!# use boa::{
//!#    property::Attribute,
//!#    class::{Class, ClassBuilder},
//!#    gc::{Finalize, Trace},
//!#    Context, Result, Value,
//!# };
//! // This does not have to be an enum it can also be a struct.
//! #[derive(Debug, Trace, Finalize)]
//! enum Animal {
//!     Cat,
//!     Dog,
//!     Other,
//! }
//! impl Class for Animal {
//!     // we set the binging name of this function to be `"Animal"`.
//!     const NAME: &'static str = "Animal";
//!     // We set the length to `1` since we accept 1 arguments in the constructor.
//!     const LENGTH: usize = 1;
//!     // This is what is called when we do `new Animal()`
//!     fn constructor(_this: &Value, args: &[Value], context: &mut Context) -> Result<Self> {
//!         // This is equivalent to `String(arg)`.
//!         let kind = args.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default().to_string(context)?;
//!         let animal = match kind.as_str() {
//!             "cat" => Self::Cat,
//!             "dog" => Self::Dog,
//!             _ => Self::Other,
//!         };
//!         Ok(animal)
//!     }
//!     /// This is where the object is intitialized.
//!     fn init(class: &mut ClassBuilder) -> Result<()> {
//!         class.method("speak", 0, |this, _args, _ctx| {
//!             if let Some(object) = this.as_object() {
//!                 if let Some(animal) = object.downcast_ref::<Animal>() {
//!                     match &*animal {
//!                         Self::Cat => println!("meow"),
//!                         Self::Dog => println!("woof"),
//!                         Self::Other => println!(r"¯\_(ツ)_/¯"),
//!                     }
//!                 }
//!             }
//!             Ok(Value::undefined())
//!         });
//!         Ok(())
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! [class-trait]: ./trait.Class.html

use crate::{
    object::{ConstructorBuilder, GcObject, NativeObject, ObjectData},
    property::{Attribute, PropertyKey},
    Context, Result, Value,

/// Native class.
pub trait Class: NativeObject + Sized {
    /// The binding name of the object.
    const NAME: &'static str;
    /// The amount of arguments the class `constructor` takes, default is `0`.
    const LENGTH: usize = 0;
    /// The attibutes the class will be binded with, default is `writable`, `enumerable`, `configurable`.
    const ATTRIBUTE: Attribute = Attribute::all();

    /// The constructor of the class.
    fn constructor(this: &Value, args: &[Value], context: &mut Context) -> Result<Self>;

    /// Initializes the internals and the methods of the class.
    fn init(class: &mut ClassBuilder<'_>) -> Result<()>;

/// This is a wrapper around `Class::constructor` that sets the internal data of a class.
/// This is automatically implemented, when a type implements `Class`.
pub trait ClassConstructor: Class {
    /// The raw constructor that mathces the `NativeFunction` signature.
    fn raw_constructor(this: &Value, args: &[Value], context: &mut Context) -> Result<Value>
        Self: Sized;

impl<T: Class> ClassConstructor for T {
    fn raw_constructor(this: &Value, args: &[Value], context: &mut Context) -> Result<Value>
        Self: Sized,
        let object_instance = Self::constructor(this, args, context)?;

/// Class builder which allows adding methods and static methods to the class.
pub struct ClassBuilder<'context> {
    builder: ConstructorBuilder<'context>,

impl<'context> ClassBuilder<'context> {
    pub(crate) fn new<T>(context: &'context mut Context) -> Self
        T: ClassConstructor,
        let mut builder = ConstructorBuilder::new(context, T::raw_constructor);;
        Self { builder }

    pub(crate) fn build(mut self) -> GcObject {

    /// Add a method to the class.
    /// It is added to `prototype`.
    pub fn method<N>(&mut self, name: N, length: usize, function: NativeFunction) -> &mut Self
        N: AsRef<str>,
        self.builder.method(function, name.as_ref(), length);

    /// Add a static method to the class.
    /// It is added to class object itself.
    pub fn static_method<N>(
        &mut self,
        name: N,
        length: usize,
        function: NativeFunction,
    ) -> &mut Self
        N: AsRef<str>,
        self.builder.static_method(function, name.as_ref(), length);

    /// Add a property to the class, with the specified attribute.
    /// It is added to `prototype`.
    pub fn property<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, value: V, attribute: Attribute) -> &mut Self
        K: Into<PropertyKey>,
        V: Into<Value>,
    {, value, attribute);

    /// Add a static property to the class, with the specified attribute.
    /// It is added to class object itself.
    pub fn static_property<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, value: V, attribute: Attribute) -> &mut Self
        K: Into<PropertyKey>,
        V: Into<Value>,
        self.builder.static_property(key, value, attribute);

    /// Return the current context.
    pub fn context(&mut self) -> &'_ mut Context {