Crate core_api_client

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  • Main API struct. API holds your key you acquire from CORE. Lastly it holds a refernce to a blocking Client it uses to execute queries to the CORE API. The Api struct provides a set of methods to interact with a specific API service. It includes methods to search for works, data providers, journals, and outputs based on various queries. The struct uses an API key and an HTTP client for requests, and optionally logs the request target and raw response.
  • Represents a provider of open access scientific papers and other resources. More information here
  • Struct holds the information of the discovoered resource. More info on the work struct here.
  • Represents a Journal with various associated data. More information here
  • SearchQuery is a structure that represents a search query to the API. It allows the user to define the criteria to filter data from the API.
  • Struct holds the work information. More info on the work struct here


  • FilterOperator enum defines the types of comparison operations that can be used in a SearchQuery filter.