Trait constriction::stream::model::EntropyModel

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pub trait EntropyModel<const PRECISION: usize> {
    type Symbol;
    type Probability: BitArray;
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Base trait for probabilistic models of a data source.

All entropy models (see module level documentation) that can be used for encoding and/or decoding with stream codes must implement this trait and at least one of EncoderModel and/or DecoderModel. This trait exposes the type of Symbols over which the entropy model is defined, the type that is used to represent a Probability in fixed-point arithmetic, and the fixed point PRECISION (see discussion of type parameters).

§Blanket Implementation for &impl EntropyModel

We provide the following blanket implementation for references to EntropyModels:

impl<M, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for &M
    M: EntropyModel<PRECISION> + ?Sized
{ ... }

This means that, if some type M implements EntropyModel<PRECISION> for some PRECISION, then so does the reference type &M. Analogous blanket implementations are provided for the traits EncoderModel, DecoderModel, and IterableEntropyModel. The implementations simply delegate all calls to M (which is possible since all methods only take an &self receiver). Therefore:

  • you don’t need to (and, in fact, currently can’t) implement EntropyModel, EncoderModel, or DecoderModel for reference types &M; just implement these traits for “value types” M and you’ll get the implementation for the corresponding reference types for free.
  • when you write a function or method that takes a generic entropy model as an argument, always take the entropy model (formally) by value (i.e., declare your function as fn f(model: impl EntropyModel<PRECISION>) or as f<M: EntropyModel<PRECISION>>(model: M)). Since all references to EntropyModels are also EntropyModels themselves, a function with one of these signatures can be called with an entropy model passed in either by value or by reference. If your function or method needs to pass out several copies of model then add an extra bound M: Copy (see, e.g., Encode::encode_iid_symbols). This will allow users to call your function either with a reference to an entropy model (all shared references implement Copy), or with some cheaply copyable entropy model such as a view to a lookup model (see ContiguousLookupDecoderModel::as_view or NonContiguousLookupDecoderModel::as_view).

§See Also

Required Associated Types§


type Symbol

The type of data over which the entropy model is defined.

This is the type of an item of the uncompressed data.

Note that, although any given EntropyModel has a fixed associated Symbol type, this doesn’t prevent you from encoding heterogeneous sequences of symbols where each symbol has a different type. You can use a different EntropyModel with a different associated Symbol type for each symbol.


type Probability: BitArray

The type used to represent probabilities, cumulatives, and quantiles.

This is a primitive unsigned integer type that must hold at least PRECISION bits. An integer value p: Probability semantically represents the probability, cumulative, or quantile p * 2.0^(-PRECISION) (where ^ denotes exponentiation and PRECISION is a const generic parameter of the trait EntropyModel).

In many places where constriction’s public API returns probabilities, they have already been verified to be nonzero. In such a case, the probability is returned as a Probability::NonZero, which denotes the corresponding non-zeroable type (e.g., if Probability is u32 then Probability::NonZero is NonZeroU32). The “bare” Probability type is mostly used for left-cumulatives and quantiles (i.e., for points on the y-axis in the graph of a cumulative distribution function).

§Enforcing the Constraints

Implementations of EntropyModel are encouraged to enforce the constraint 1 <= PRECISION <= Probability::BITS. The simplest way to do so is by stating it as an assertion assert!(1 <= PRECISION && PRECISION <= Probability::BITS) at the beginning of relevant methods. This assertion has zero runtime cost because it can be trivially evaluated at compile time and therefore will be optimized out if it holds. As of constriction 0.4, implementations provided by constriction include a similar assertion that is checked at compile time using const evaluation tricks.

§(Internal) Representation of Probability One

The case of “probability one” is treated specially. This case does not come up in the public API since we disallow probability one for any individual symbol under any entropy model, and since all left-sided cumulatives always correspond to a symbol with nonzero probability. But the value “one” still comes up internally as the right-cumulative of the last allowed symbol for any model. Although our treatment of “probability one” can thus be considered an implementation detail, it is likely to become an issue in third-party implementations of EntropyModel, so it is worth documenting our recommended treatment.

We internally represent “probability one” by its normal fixed-point representation of p = 1 << PRECISION (i.e., p = 2^PRECISION in mathematical notation) if this value fits into Probability, i.e., if PRECISION != Probability::BITS. In the (uncommon) case where PRECISION == Probability::BITS, we represent “probability one” as the integer zero (i.e., cutting off the overflowing bit). This means that any probability that is guaranteed to not be one can always be calculated by subtracting its left-sided cumulative from its right-sided cumulative in wrapping arithmetic. However, this convention means that one has to be careful not to confuse probability zero with probabilty one. In our implementations, these two possible interpretations of the integer p = 0 always turned out to be easy to disambiguate statically.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<M, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for &M
where M: EntropyModel<PRECISION> + ?Sized,


type Probability = <M as EntropyModel<PRECISION>>::Probability


type Symbol = <M as EntropyModel<PRECISION>>::Symbol



impl<F, Symbol, Probability, D, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for LeakilyQuantizedDistribution<F, Symbol, Probability, D, PRECISION>
where Probability: BitArray,


type Probability = Probability


type Symbol = Symbol


impl<Probability, Cdf, LookupTable, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for ContiguousLookupDecoderModel<Probability, Cdf, LookupTable, PRECISION>
where Probability: BitArray + Into<usize>,


type Symbol = usize


type Probability = Probability


impl<Probability, Cdf, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for ContiguousCategoricalEntropyModel<Probability, Cdf, PRECISION>
where Probability: BitArray,


type Symbol = usize


type Probability = Probability


impl<Probability, F, Pmf, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for LazyContiguousCategoricalEntropyModel<Probability, F, Pmf, PRECISION>
where Probability: BitArray,


type Symbol = usize


type Probability = Probability


impl<Probability: BitArray, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for UniformModel<Probability, PRECISION>


type Symbol = usize


type Probability = Probability


impl<Symbol, Probability, Cdf, LookupTable, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for NonContiguousLookupDecoderModel<Symbol, Probability, Cdf, LookupTable, PRECISION>
where Probability: BitArray + Into<usize>,


type Symbol = Symbol


type Probability = Probability


impl<Symbol, Probability, Cdf, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for NonContiguousCategoricalDecoderModel<Symbol, Probability, Cdf, PRECISION>
where Probability: BitArray,


type Symbol = Symbol


type Probability = Probability


impl<Symbol, Probability, const PRECISION: usize> EntropyModel<PRECISION> for NonContiguousCategoricalEncoderModel<Symbol, Probability, PRECISION>
where Symbol: Hash, Probability: BitArray,


type Probability = Probability


type Symbol = Symbol