[][src]Struct conrod_core::widget::primitive::shape::oval::Oval

pub struct Oval<S> {
    pub common: CommonBuilder,
    pub style: Style,
    pub resolution: usize,
    pub section: S,

A simple, non-interactive widget for drawing a single Oval.


common: CommonBuilder

Data necessary and common for all widget builder types.

style: Style

Unique styling.

resolution: usize

The number of lines used to draw the edge.

section: S

A type describing the section of the Oval that is to be drawn.


impl Oval<Full>[src]

pub fn styled(dim: Dimensions, style: Style) -> Self[src]

Build an Oval with the given dimensions and style.

pub fn fill(dim: Dimensions) -> Self[src]

Build a new Filled Oval.

pub fn fill_with(dim: Dimensions, color: Color) -> Self[src]

Build a new Oval Filled with the given color.

pub fn outline(dim: Dimensions) -> Self[src]

Build a new Outlined Oval widget.

pub fn outline_styled(dim: Dimensions, line_style: Style) -> Self[src]

Build a new Oval Outlined with the given style.

impl<S> Oval<S>[src]

pub fn resolution(self, resolution: usize) -> Self[src]

The number of lines used to draw the edge.

By default, DEFAULT_RESOLUTION is used.

pub fn section(self, radians: Scalar) -> Oval<Section>[src]

Produces an Oval where only a section is drawn.

The given radians describes the angle occuppied by the section's circumference.

impl Oval<Section>[src]

pub fn offset_radians(self, offset_radians: Scalar) -> Self[src]

The radians at which the section will begin.

A value of 0.0 will begin at the rightmost point of the oval.

Trait Implementations

impl<S> Colorable for Oval<S>[src]

fn rgba(self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32) -> Self[src]

Set the color of the widget from rgba values.

fn rgb(self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) -> Self[src]

Set the color of the widget from rgb values.

fn hsla(self, h: f32, s: f32, l: f32, a: f32) -> Self[src]

Set the color of the widget from hsla values.

fn hsl(self, h: f32, s: f32, l: f32) -> Self[src]

Set the color of the widget from hsl values.

impl<S> Common for Oval<S>[src]

impl<S> Widget for Oval<S> where
    S: OvalSection

type State = State<S>

State to be stored within the Uis widget cache. Read more

type Style = Style

Every widget is required to have its own associated Style type. This type is intended to contain high-level styling information for the widget that can be optionally specified by a user of the widget. Read more

type Event = ()

The type of event yielded by the widget, returned via the Widget::set function. Read more

fn default_x_position(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Position[src]

The default Position for the widget along the x axis. Read more

fn default_y_position(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Position[src]

The default Position for the widget along the y axis. Read more

fn default_x_dimension(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Dimension[src]

The default width for the Widget. Read more

fn default_y_dimension(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Dimension[src]

The default height of the widget. Read more

fn drag_area(
    _dim: Dimensions,
    _style: &Self::Style,
    _theme: &Theme
) -> Option<Rect>

If the widget is draggable, implement this method and return the position and dimensions of the draggable space. The position should be relative to the center of the widget. Read more

fn kid_area(&self, args: KidAreaArgs<Self>) -> KidArea[src]

The area on which child widgets will be placed when using the Place Position methods.

fn parent(self, parent_id: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the parent widget for this Widget by passing the WidgetId of the parent. Read more

fn no_parent(self) -> Self[src]

Specify that this widget has no parent widgets.

fn place_on_kid_area(self, b: bool) -> Self[src]

Set whether or not the Widget should be placed on the kid_area. Read more

fn graphics_for(self, id: Id) -> Self[src]

Indicates that the Widget is used as a non-interactive graphical element for some other widget. Read more

fn floating(self, is_floating: bool) -> Self[src]

Set whether or not the widget is floating (the default is false). A typical example of a floating widget would be a pop-up or alert window. Read more

fn crop_kids(self) -> Self[src]

Indicates that all widgets who are children of this widget should be cropped to the kid_area of this widget. Read more

fn scroll_kids(self) -> Self[src]

Makes the widget's KidArea scrollable. Read more

fn scroll_kids_vertically(self) -> Self[src]

Makes the widget's KidArea scrollable. Read more

fn scroll_kids_horizontally(self) -> Self[src]

Set whether or not the widget's KidArea is scrollable (the default is false). Read more

fn and<F>(self, build: F) -> Self where
    F: FnOnce(Self) -> Self, 

A builder method that "lifts" the Widget through the given build function. Read more

fn and_mut<F>(self, mutate: F) -> Self where
    F: FnOnce(&mut Self), 

A builder method that mutates the Widget with the given mutate function. Read more

fn and_if<F>(self, cond: bool, build: F) -> Self where
    F: FnOnce(Self) -> Self, 

A method that conditionally builds the Widget with the given build function. Read more

fn and_then<T, F>(self, maybe: Option<T>, build: F) -> Self where
    F: FnOnce(Self, T) -> Self, 

A method that optionally builds the Widget with the given build function. Read more

fn set<'a, 'b>(self, id: Id, ui_cell: &'a mut UiCell<'b>) -> Self::Event[src]

Note: There should be no need to override this method. Read more

impl<S: Clone> Clone for Oval<S>[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<S: Copy> Copy for Oval<S>[src]

impl<S: Debug> Debug for Oval<S>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<S> Sync for Oval<S> where
    S: Sync

impl<S> Send for Oval<S> where
    S: Send

impl<S> Unpin for Oval<S> where
    S: Unpin

impl<S> UnwindSafe for Oval<S> where
    S: UnwindSafe

impl<S> RefUnwindSafe for Oval<S> where
    S: RefUnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<W> Positionable for W where
    W: Widget

fn x(self, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the given Absolute Position along the x axis.

fn y(self, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the given Absolute Position along the y axis.

fn xy(self, point: Point) -> Self[src]

Set the Position with some Point.

fn x_y(self, x: Scalar, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the Position with x y coordinates.

fn x_position_relative(self, x: Relative) -> Self[src]

Set the x Position Relative to the previous widget.

fn y_position_relative(self, y: Relative) -> Self[src]

Set the y Position Relative to the previous widget.

fn x_y_position_relative(self, x: Relative, y: Relative) -> Self[src]

Set the x and y Positions Relative to the previous widget.

fn x_position_relative_to(self, other: Id, x: Relative) -> Self[src]

Set the x Position Relative to the given widget.

fn y_position_relative_to(self, other: Id, y: Relative) -> Self[src]

Set the y Position Relative to the given widget.

fn x_y_position_relative_to(self, other: Id, x: Relative, y: Relative) -> Self[src]

Set the x and y Positions Relative to the given widget.

fn x_relative(self, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the Position as a Scalar along the x axis Relative to the middle of previous widget. Read more

fn y_relative(self, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the Position as a Scalar along the y axis Relative to the middle of previous widget. Read more

fn xy_relative(self, point: Point) -> Self[src]

Set the Position as a Point Relative to the middle of the previous widget.

fn x_y_relative(self, x: Scalar, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the Position as Scalars along the x and y axes Relative to the middle of the previous widget. Read more

fn x_relative_to(self, other: Id, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the position relative to the widget with the given widget::Id.

fn y_relative_to(self, other: Id, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the position relative to the widget with the given widget::Id.

fn xy_relative_to(self, other: Id, xy: Point) -> Self[src]

Set the position relative to the widget with the given widget::Id.

fn x_y_relative_to(self, other: Id, x: Scalar, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the position relative to the widget with the given widget::Id.

fn x_direction(self, direction: Direction, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position along the x axis as some distance from another widget.

fn y_direction(self, direction: Direction, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position along the y axis as some distance from another widget.

fn down(self, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance below another widget.

fn up(self, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance above another widget.

fn left(self, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance to the left of another widget.

fn right(self, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance to the right of another widget.

fn x_direction_from(self, other: Id, direction: Direction, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position along the x axis as some distance from the given widget.

fn y_direction_from(self, other: Id, direction: Direction, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position along the y axis as some distance from the given widget.

fn down_from(self, other: Id, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance below the given widget.

fn up_from(self, other: Id, y: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance above the given widget.

fn left_from(self, other: Id, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance to the left of the given widget.

fn right_from(self, other: Id, x: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Build with the Position as some distance to the right of the given widget.

fn x_align(self, align: Align) -> Self[src]

Align the Position of the widget along the x axis.

fn y_align(self, align: Align) -> Self[src]

Align the Position of the widget along the y axis.

fn align_left(self) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the left (only effective for Up or Down Directions).

fn align_middle_x(self) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the middle (only effective for Up or Down Directions).

fn align_right(self) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the right (only effective for Up or Down Directions).

fn align_top(self) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the top (only effective for Left or Right Directions).

fn align_middle_y(self) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the middle (only effective for Left or Right Directions).

fn align_bottom(self) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the bottom (only effective for Left or Right Directions).

fn x_align_to(self, other: Id, align: Align) -> Self[src]

Align the Position of the widget with the given widget along the x axis.

fn y_align_to(self, other: Id, align: Align) -> Self[src]

Align the Position of the widget with the given widget along the y axis.

fn align_left_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the left (only effective for Up or Down Directions).

fn align_middle_x_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the middle (only effective for Up or Down Directions).

fn align_right_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the right (only effective for Up or Down Directions).

fn align_top_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the top (only effective for Left or Right Directions).

fn align_middle_y_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the middle (only effective for Left or Right Directions).

fn align_bottom_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Align the position to the bottom (only effective for Left or Right Directions).

fn x_place_on(self, other: Id, place: Place) -> Self[src]

Place the widget at some position on the other Widget along the x axis.

fn y_place_on(self, other: Id, place: Place) -> Self[src]

Place the widget at some position on the other Widget along the y axis.

fn middle_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the given Widget.

fn top_left_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top left corner of the given Widget.

fn top_left_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top left corner of the given Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn top_left_with_margins_on(self, other: Id, top: Scalar, left: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top left corner of the given Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn top_right_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top right corner of the given Widget.

fn top_right_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top right corner of the given Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn top_right_with_margins_on(
    other: Id,
    top: Scalar,
    right: Scalar
) -> Self

Place the widget in the top right corner of the given Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn bottom_left_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom left corner of the given Widget.

fn bottom_left_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom left corner of the given Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn bottom_left_with_margins_on(
    other: Id,
    bottom: Scalar,
    left: Scalar
) -> Self

Place the widget in the bottom left corner of the given Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn bottom_right_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom right corner of the given Widget.

fn bottom_right_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom right corner of the given Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn bottom_right_with_margins_on(
    other: Id,
    bottom: Scalar,
    right: Scalar
) -> Self

Place the widget in the bottom right corner of the given Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn mid_top_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the top edge of the given Widget.

fn mid_top_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the top edge of the given Widget with the given margin between the edges. Read more

fn mid_bottom_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the bottom edge of the given Widget.

fn mid_bottom_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the bottom edge of the given Widget with the given margin between the edges. Read more

fn mid_left_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the left edge of the given Widget.

fn mid_left_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the left edge of the given Widget with the given margin between the edges. Read more

fn mid_right_of(self, other: Id) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the right edge of the given Widget.

fn mid_right_with_margin_on(self, other: Id, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the right edge of the given Widget with the given margin between the edges. Read more

fn x_place(self, place: Place) -> Self[src]

Place the widget at some position on the Widget along the x axis.

fn y_place(self, place: Place) -> Self[src]

Place the widget at some position on the Widget along the y axis.

fn middle(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the current parent Widget.

fn top_left(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top left corner of the current parent Widget.

fn top_left_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top left corner of the current parent Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn top_left_with_margins(self, top: Scalar, left: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top left corner of the current parent Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn top_right(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top right corner of the current parent Widget.

fn top_right_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top right corner of the current parent Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn top_right_with_margins(self, top: Scalar, right: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the top right corner of the current parent Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn bottom_left(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom left corner of the current parent Widget.

fn bottom_left_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom left corner of the current parent Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn bottom_left_with_margins(self, bottom: Scalar, left: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom left corner of the current parent Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn bottom_right(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom right corner of the current parent Widget.

fn bottom_right_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom right corner of the current parent Widget with the given margin between both edges. Read more

fn bottom_right_with_margins(self, bottom: Scalar, right: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the bottom right corner of the current parent Widget with the given margins between each respective edge. Read more

fn mid_top(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the top edge of the current parent Widget.

fn mid_top_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the top edge of the current parent Widget with the given margin from the edge. Read more

fn mid_bottom(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the bottom edge of the current parent Widget.

fn mid_bottom_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the bottom edge of the current parent Widget with the given margin from the edge. Read more

fn mid_left(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the left edge of the current parent Widget.

fn mid_left_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the left edge of the current parent Widget with the given margin from the edge. Read more

fn mid_right(self) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the right edge of the current parent Widget.

fn mid_right_with_margin(self, mgn: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Place the widget in the middle of the right edge of the current parent Widget with the given margin from the edge. Read more

impl<W> Sizeable for W where
    W: Widget

fn get_x_dimension(&Self, &Ui) -> Dimension[src]

We attempt to retrieve the x Dimension for the widget via the following:

  • Check for specified value at maybe_x_dimension
  • Otherwise, use the default returned by Widget::default_x_dimension.

fn get_y_dimension(&Self, &Ui) -> Dimension[src]

We attempt to retrieve the y Dimension for the widget via the following:

  • Check for specified value at maybe_y_dimension
  • Otherwise, use the default returned by Widget::default_y_dimension.

fn w(self, w: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the absolute width for the widget.

fn h(self, h: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the absolute height for the widget.

fn wh(self, wh: Dimensions) -> Self[src]

Set the dimensions for the widget.

fn w_h(self, width: Scalar, height: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the width and height for the widget.

fn w_of(self, idx: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the width as the width of the widget at the given index.

fn padded_w_of(self, idx: Id, pad: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the width as the width of the widget at the given index padded at both ends by the given Scalar. Read more

fn h_of(self, idx: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the height as the height of the widget at the given index.

fn padded_h_of(self, idx: Id, pad: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the height as the height of the widget at the given index padded at both ends by the given Scalar. Read more

fn wh_of(self, idx: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the dimensions as the dimensions of the widget at the given index.

fn padded_wh_of(self, idx: Id, pad: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the dimensions as the dimensions of the widget at the given index with all four edges padded by the given scalar. Read more

fn kid_area_w_of(self, idx: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the width as the width of the padded area of the widget at the given index.

fn padded_kid_area_w_of(self, idx: Id, pad: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the width as the KidArea width for the widget at the given index, padded at both ends by the given scalar. Read more

fn kid_area_h_of(self, idx: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the height as the KidArea height of the widget at the given index.

fn padded_kid_area_h_of(self, idx: Id, pad: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the height as the KidArea height of the widget at the given index, padded at both ends by the given scalar. Read more

fn kid_area_wh_of(self, idx: Id) -> Self[src]

Set the dimensions as the KidArea dimensions of the widget at the given index.

fn padded_kid_area_wh_of(self, idx: Id, pad: Scalar) -> Self[src]

Set the dimensions as the KidArea dimensions of the widget at the given index, padded at all four edges by the given scalar. Read more

fn get_w(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Option<Scalar>[src]

Get the absolute width of the widget as a Scalar value.

fn get_h(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Option<Scalar>[src]

Get the height of the widget.

fn get_wh(&self, ui: &Ui) -> Option<Dimensions>[src]

The dimensions for the widget.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized