Trait configr::Config[][src]

pub trait Config<C> where
    C: DeserializeOwned + Config<C>, 
{ fn populate_template(fd: File) -> Result<()>; fn load(app_name: &str) -> Result<C, ConfigError> { ... }
fn load_with_dir(
        app_name: &str,
        config_dir: &mut PathBuf
    ) -> Result<C, ConfigError> { ... } }
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This is the main trait that you implement on your struct, either manually or using the Configr derive macro

use configr::{Config, Configr};
#[derive(Configr, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct BotConfig {
    bot_username: String,
    client_id: String,
    client_secret: String,
    channel: String,

let config = BotConfig::load("bot-app").unwrap();

Required methods

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Provided methods

fn load(app_name: &str) -> Result<C, ConfigError>[src]

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Load the config from the config file located in the OS specific config directory
This is a wrapper around load_with_dir, which just takes the system configuration directory, instead of a custom path.
Read load_with_dir for more informationg about failure and config folder structure


This should in almost every case be prefered over supplying your own configuration directory.

The configuration directory is as follows
Windows: %APPDATA%/
Mac OS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/

fn load_with_dir(
    app_name: &str,
    config_dir: &mut PathBuf
) -> Result<C, ConfigError>

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Load the config from the config file located in the app specific config directory which is config_dir/app-name/config.toml


This should only be used in the case you are running this on a system which you know doesn’t have a configuration directory.

The app_name will be converted to lowercase-kebab-case


This function will Error under the following circumstances

  • If the OS does not have a proper configuration directory
  • If the config.toml or the app-name directory could not be created
  • If the config.toml could not be read properly
  • If the config.toml is not valid toml data
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