pub trait LweCiphertextDiscardingExtractionEngine<GlweCiphertext, LweCiphertext>: AbstractEnginewhere
    GlweCiphertext: GlweCiphertextEntity,
    LweCiphertext: LweCiphertextEntity,
{ fn discard_extract_lwe_ciphertext(
        &mut self,
        output: &mut LweCiphertext,
        input: &GlweCiphertext,
        nth: MonomialIndex
    ) -> Result<(), LweCiphertextDiscardingExtractionError<Self::EngineError>>; unsafe fn discard_extract_lwe_ciphertext_unchecked(
        &mut self,
        output: &mut LweCiphertext,
        input: &GlweCiphertext,
        nth: MonomialIndex
    ); }
Expand description

A trait for engines extracting (discarding) LWE ciphertext from GLWE ciphertexts.


This discarding operation fills the output LWE ciphertext with the extraction of the nth coefficient of the input GLWE ciphertext.

Formal definition

This operation is usually referred to as a sample extract in the literature.

Required Methods

Extracts an LWE ciphertext from a GLWE ciphertext.

Unsafely extracts an LWE ciphertext from a GLWE ciphertext.


For the general safety concerns regarding this operation, refer to the different variants of LweCiphertextDiscardingExtractionError. For safety concerns specific to an engine, refer to the implementer safety section.
