Trait concrete_core::crypto::encoding::Encoder[][src]

pub trait Encoder<Enc: Numeric> {
    type Raw: Numeric;
    fn encode(&self, raw: Cleartext<Self::Raw>) -> Plaintext<Enc>;
fn decode(&self, encoded: Plaintext<Enc>) -> Cleartext<Self::Raw>;
fn encode_list<RawCont, EncCont>(
        encoded: &mut PlaintextList<EncCont>,
        raw: &CleartextList<RawCont>
        CleartextList<RawCont>: AsRefTensor<Element = Self::Raw>,
        PlaintextList<EncCont>: AsMutTensor<Element = Enc>
fn decode_list<RawCont, EncCont>(
        raw: &mut CleartextList<RawCont>,
        encoded: &PlaintextList<EncCont>
        CleartextList<RawCont>: AsMutTensor<Element = Self::Raw>,
        PlaintextList<EncCont>: AsRefTensor<Element = Enc>
; }
Expand description

A trait for types that encode cleartext to plaintext.

Examples use the [`RealEncoder’] type.

Associated Types

The type of the cleartexts.

Required methods

Encodes a single cleartext.


use concrete_core::crypto::encoding::*;
let encoder = RealEncoder{ offset: 1. as f32, delta: 10.};
let cleartext = Cleartext(7. as f32);
let encoded: Plaintext<u32> = encoder.encode(cleartext.clone());
let decoded = encoder.decode(encoded);
assert!((cleartext.0 - decoded.0).abs() < 0.1);

Decodes a single encoded value.

See Encoder::encode for an example.

Encodes a list of cleartexts to a list of plaintexts.


use concrete_core::crypto::encoding::*;
let encoder = RealEncoder{ offset: 1. as f32, delta: 10.};
let clear_values = CleartextList::from_container(vec![7. as f32;100]);
let mut plain_values = PlaintextList::from_container(vec![0 as u32; 100]);
encoder.encode_list(&mut plain_values, &clear_values);
let mut decoded_values = CleartextList::from_container(vec![0. as f32; 100]);
encoder.decode_list(&mut decoded_values, &plain_values);
for (clear, decoded) in clear_values.cleartext_iter().zip(decoded_values.cleartext_iter()) {
    assert!((clear.0 - decoded.0).abs() < 0.1);

Decodes a list of plaintexts into a list of cleartexts.

See Encoder::encode_list for an example.
