Module threshold_simplex

Expand description

Simplex-like BFT agreement with an embedded VRF and succinct consensus certificates.

Inspired by Simplex Consensus, threshold-simplex provides simple and fast BFT agreement with network-speed view (i.e. block time) latency and optimal finalization latency in a partially synchronous setting. Unlike Simplex Consensus, however, threshold-simplex employs threshold cryptography (specifically BLS12-381 threshold signatures with a 2f+1 of 3f+1 quorum) to generate both a bias-resistant beacon (for leader election and post-facto execution randomness) and succinct consensus certificates (any certificate can be verified with just the static public key of the consensus instance) for each view with zero message overhead (natively integrated).

If you wish to deploy Simplex Consensus but can’t employ threshold signatures, see Simplex.


  • Wicked Fast Block Times (2 Network Hops)
  • Optimal Finalization Latency (3 Network Hops)
  • Externalized Uptime and Fault Proofs
  • Decoupled Block Broadcast and Sync
  • Flexible Block Format
  • Embedded VRF for Leader Election and Post-Facto Execution Randomness
  • Succinct Consensus Certificates for Notarization, Nullification, and Finality



All logic is split into two components: the Voter and the Resolver (and the user of threshold-simplex provides Application). The Voter is responsible for participating in the latest view and the Resolver is responsible for fetching artifacts from previous views required to verify proposed blocks in the latest view.

To provide great performance, all interactions between Voter, Resolver, and Application are non-blocking. This means that, for example, the Voter can continue processing messages while the Application verifies a proposed block or the Resolver verifies a notarization.

+---------------+           +---------+            +++++++++++++++
|               |<----------+         +----------->+             +
|  Application  |           |  Voter  |            +    Peers    +
|               +---------->|         |<-----------+             +
+---------------+           +--+------+            +++++++++++++++
                               |   ^
                               |   |
                               |   |
                               |   |
                               v   |
                           +-------+----+          +++++++++++++++
                           |            +--------->+             +
                           |  Resolver  |          +    Peers    +
                           |            |<---------+             +
                           +------------+          +++++++++++++++

Application is usually a single object that implements the Automaton, Relay, Committer, and ThresholdSupervisor traits.

§Joining Consensus

As soon as 2f+1 notarizes, nullifies, or finalizes are observed for some view v, the Voter will enter v+1. This means that a new participant joining consensus will immediately jump ahead to the latest view and begin participating in consensus (assuming it can verify blocks).


The Voter caches all data required to participate in consensus to avoid any disk reads on on the critical path. To enable recovery, the Voter writes valid messages it receives from consensus and messages it generates to a write-ahead log (WAL) implemented by Journal. Before sending a message, the Journal sync is invoked to prevent inadvertent Byzantine behavior on restart (especially in the case of unclean shutdown).

§Protocol Description

§Specification for View v

Upon entering view v:

  • Determine leader l for view v
  • Set timer for leader proposal t_l = 2Δ and advance t_a = 3Δ
    • If leader l has not been active in last r views, set t_l to 0.
  • If leader l, broadcast (part(v), notarize(c,v))
    • If can’t propose container in view v because missing notarization/nullification for a previous view v_m, request v_m

Upon receiving first (part(v), notarize(c,v)) from l:

  • Cancel t_l
  • If the container’s parent c_parent is notarized at v_parent and we have nullifications for all views between v and v_parent, verify c and broadcast (part(v), notarize(c,v))

Upon receiving 2f+1 (part(v), notarize(c,v)):

  • Cancel t_a
  • Mark c as notarized
  • Broadcast (seed(v), notarization(c,v)) (even if we have not verified c)
  • If have not broadcast (part(v), nullify(v)), broadcast finalize(c,v)
  • Enter v+1

Upon receiving 2f+1 (part(v), nullify(v)):

  • Broadcast (seed(v), nullification(v))
    • If observe >= f+1 notarize(c,v) for some c, request notarization(c_parent, v_parent) and any missing nullification(*) between v_parent and v. If c_parent is than last finalized, broadcast last finalization instead.
  • Enter v+1

Upon receiving 2f+1 finalize(c,v):

  • Mark c as finalized (and recursively finalize its parents)
  • Broadcast (seed(v), finalization(c,v)) (even if we have not verified c)

Upon t_l or t_a firing:

  • Broadcast (part(v), nullify(v))
  • Every t_r after (part(v), nullify(v)) broadcast that we are still in view v:
    • Rebroadcast (part(v), nullify(v)) and either (seed(v-1), notarization(v-1)) or (seed(v-1), nullification(v-1))
§Embedded VRF

When broadcasting any notarize(c,v) or nullify(v) message, a participant must also include a part(v) message (a partial signature over the view v). After 2f+1 notarize(c,v) or nullify(v) messages are collected from unique participants, seed(v) can be recovered. Because part(v) is only over the view v, the seed derived for a given view v is the same regardless of whether or not a block was notarized in said view v.

Because the value of seed(v) cannot be known prior to message broadcast by any participant (including the leader) in view v and cannot be manipulated by any participant (deterministic for any 2f+1 signers at a given view v), it can be used both as a beacon for leader election (where seed(v) determines the leader for v+1) and a source of randomness in execution (where seed(v) is used as a seed in v).

§Succinct Consensus Certificates

All broadcast consensus messages (notarize(c,v), nullify(v), finalize(c,v)) contain partial signatures for a static public key (derived from a group polynomial that can be recomputed during reconfiguration using dkg). As soon as 2f+1 messages are collected, a threshold signature over notarization(c,v), nullification(v), and finalization(c,v) can be recovered, respectively. Because the public key is static, any of these certificates can be verified by an external process without following the consensus instance and/or tracking the current set of participants (as is typically required to operate a lite client).

These threshold signatures over notarization(c,v), nullification(v), and finalization(c,v) (i.e. the consensus certificates) can be used to secure interoperability between different consensus instances and user interactions with an infrastructure provider (where any data served can be proven to derive from some finalized block of some consensus instance with a known static public key).

§Deviations from Simplex Consensus

  • Fetch missing notarizations/nullifications as needed rather than assuming each proposal contains a set of all notarizations/nullifications for all historical blocks.
  • Introduce distinct messages for notarize and nullify rather than referring to both as a vote for either a “block” or a “dummy block”, respectively.
  • Introduce a “leader timeout” to trigger early view transitions for unresponsive leaders.
  • Skip “leader timeout” and “notarization timeout” if a designated leader hasn’t participated in some number of views (again to trigger early view transition for an unresponsive leader).
  • Introduce message rebroadcast to continue making progress if messages from a given view are dropped (only way to ensure messages are reliably delivered is with a heavyweight reliable broadcast protocol).


Configuration for the consensus engine.
Context is a collection of metadata from consensus about a given payload.
Instance of threshold-simplex consensus engine.
Encode and decode proofs of activity.


Finalize a payload that conflicts with a previous finalize.
Notarize a payload that conflicts with a previous notarize.
Finalize a payload at a given view.
Notarize a payload at a given view.
Nullify and finalize in the same view.

Type Aliases§

View is a monotonically increasing counter that represents the current focus of consensus.