[][src]Trait collision::prelude::Interpolate

pub trait Interpolate<S> {
    fn interpolate(&self, other: &Self, amount: S) -> Self;

Trait used for interpolation of values

Type parameters:

  • S: The scalar type used for amount

Required methods

fn interpolate(&self, other: &Self, amount: S) -> Self

Interpolate between self and other, using amount to calculate how much of other to use.


  • amount: amount in the range 0. .. 1.
  • other: the other value to interpolate with


A new value approximately equal to self * (1. - amount) + other * amount.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<S> Interpolate<S> for Quaternion<S> where
    S: BaseFloat

impl<S> Interpolate<S> for Basis3<S> where
    S: BaseFloat

impl<S> Interpolate<S> for Basis2<S> where
    S: BaseFloat

impl<V, R> Interpolate<<V as VectorSpace>::Scalar> for Decomposed<V, R> where
    V: VectorSpace + InnerSpace,
    R: Interpolate<V::Scalar>,
    V::Scalar: BaseFloat

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