Struct collision::algorithm::minkowski::GJK [] [src]

pub struct GJK<SP, E> { /* fields omitted */ }

Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi narrow phase collision detection algorithm.

Type parameters:


impl<SP, E> GJK<SP, E> where
    SP: SimplexProcessor,
    <SP::Point as EuclideanSpace>::Scalar: BaseFloat,
    E: EPA<Point = SP::Point>, 


Create a new GJK algorithm implementation


Do intersection test on the given primitives


  • left: left primitive
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left primitive
  • right: right primitive,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right primitive


Will return a simplex if a collision was detected. For 2D, the simplex will be a triangle, for 3D, it will be a tetrahedron. The simplex will enclose the origin. If no collision was detected, None is returned.


Do time of impact intersection testing on the given primitives, and return a valid contact at the time of impact.


  • left: left primitive
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left primitive
  • right: right primitive,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right primitive


Will optionally return a contact manifold at the time of impact. If no collision was detected, None is returned.


Compute the distance between the given primitives.


  • left: left primitive
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left primitive
  • right: right primitive,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right primitive


Will optionally return the distance between the objects. Will return None, if the objects are colliding.


Given a GJK simplex that encloses the origin, compute the contact manifold.

Uses the EPA algorithm to find the contact information from the simplex.


Do intersection testing on the given primitives, and return the contact manifold.


  • strategy: strategy to use, if CollisionOnly it will only return a boolean result, otherwise, EPA will be used to compute the exact contact point.
  • left: left primitive
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left primitive
  • right: right primitive,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right primitive


Will optionally return a Contact if a collision was detected. In CollisionOnly mode, this contact will only be a boolean result. For FullResolution mode, the contact will contain a full manifold (collision normal, penetration depth and contact point).


Do intersection test on the given complex shapes, and return the actual intersection point


  • strategy: strategy to use, if CollisionOnly it will only return a boolean result, otherwise, EPA will be used to compute the exact contact point.
  • left: shape consisting of a slice of primitive + local-to-model-transform for each primitive,
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left shape
  • right: shape consisting of a slice of primitive + local-to-model-transform for each primitive,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right shape


Will optionally return a Contact if a collision was detected. In CollisionOnly mode, this contact will only be a boolean result. For FullResolution mode, the contact will contain a full manifold (collision normal, penetration depth and contact point), for the contact with the highest penetration depth.


Compute the distance between the given shapes.


  • left: left shape
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left shape
  • right: right shape,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right shape


Will optionally return the smallest distance between the objects. Will return None, if the objects are colliding.


Do intersection time of impact test on the given complex shapes, and return the contact at the time of impact


  • strategy: strategy to use, if CollisionOnly it will only return a boolean result, otherwise, a full contact manifold will be returned.
  • left: shape consisting of a slice of primitive + local-to-model-transform for each primitive,
  • left_transform: model-to-world-transform for the left shape
  • right: shape consisting of a slice of primitive + local-to-model-transform for each primitive,
  • right_transform: model-to-world-transform for the right shape


Will optionally return the contact if a collision was detected. In CollisionOnly mode, this contact will only be a time of impact. For FullResolution mode, the time of impact will be the earliest found among all shape primitives. Will return None if no collision was found.

Trait Implementations

impl<SP: Debug, E: Debug> Debug for GJK<SP, E>


Formats the value using the given formatter.