Crate clone_dyn

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§Module :: clone_dyn

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Derive to clone dyn structures.

By default, Rust does not support cloning for trait objects due to the Clone trait requiring compile-time knowledge of the type’s size. The clone_dyn crate addresses this limitation through procedural macros, allowing for cloning collections of trait objects. The crate’s purpose is straightforward: it allows for easy cloning of dyn< Trait > with minimal effort and complexity, accomplished by applying the derive attribute to the trait.


There are few alternatives dyn-clone, dyn-clonable. Unlike other options, this solution is more concise and demands less effort to use, all without compromising the quality of the outcome. Also, you can ask an inquiry and get answers, which is problematic in the case of alternatives.

§Basic use-case

  use clone_dyn::clone_dyn;

  #[ clone_dyn ]
  trait Trait1

  let vec = Vec::< Box< dyn Trait1 > >::new();
  let vec2 = vec.clone(); /* <- it does not work without `clone_dyn` */

§To add to your project

cargo add clone_dyn

§Try out from the repository

git clone
cd wTools
cd examples/clone_dyn_trivial
cargo run


  • Namespace with dependencies.
  • Exposed namespace of the module.
  • Orphan namespace of the module.
  • Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.
  • Protected namespace of the module.


Attribute Macros§

  • Derive macro to generate former for a structure. Former is variation of Builder Pattern.